U.S. Federal Legislation

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This page documents U.S. Federal Legislation concerning entrepreneurship and innovation. Various other pages on this wiki also cover this topic. Specifically, readers should review Current Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policies and US Policy towards Entrepreneurship and Innovation, as well as Acts Reported on by the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Summary of Policies.

Likewise, the Bill Process, How to Search for Bills using govtrack.us and the Govtrack Webcrawler (Tool) provide information of how to find bills.

Uncategorized Legislation

The following pages do not use Template:Legislation and need updating:

See also:

Legislation pages

Data summary: There are 51 legislation pages found.

112-HR1249 Leahy Smith America Invents Act112House Budget
House Judiciary
113-HR2605 Manufacturing Innovation in America Act of 2013113House Ways and MeansDied
114-HR1832 Innovation Protection Act114House - JudiciaryProposed
114-HR1896 Demand Letter Transparency Act of 2015114House - JudiciaryProposed
114-HR2045 Targeting Rogue and Opaque Letters Act of 2015114House - Energy and CommerceDied
114-HR2357 Accelerating Access to Capital Act114House - Financial Services
Senate - Banking
and Urban Affairs
114-HR2370 End Anonymous Patents Act114House - JudiciaryDied
114-HR2666 No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act114House - Energy and CommerceDied
114-HR4111 Rural Health Care Connectivity Act114House - Energy and CommerceDied
114-HR4465 Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act114House - Transportation and Infrastructure; Oversight and Government ReformEnacted
114-HR4472 Modernizing the Interstate Placement of Children in Foster Care Act114House - Ways and Means
Senate - Finance
114-HR4498 HALOS Act114House - Financial Services
Senate - Banking
and Urban Affairs
114-HR4596 Small Business Broadband Deployment Act114House - Energy and Commerce
Senate - Commerce
and Transportation
114-HR4850 Micro Offering Safe Harbor Act114House - Financial ServicesDied
114-HR4852 Private Placement Improvement Act114House - Financial ServicesDied
114-HR4855 Fix Crowdfunding Act114House - Financial ServicesDied
114-HR4904 MEGABYTE Act114House - Oversight and Government Reform
Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
114-HR5049 NSF Major Research Facility Reform Act114Education
House - Science
Senate - Health
and Pensions
and Technology
114-HR5052 OPEN Act114House - Emergency and Commerce; Judiciary
Senate - Judiciary
114-HR5312 Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Modernization Act114House - Science
Senate - Commerce
and Technology
and Transportation
114-HR5424 Investment Advisers Modernization Act114House - Financial ServicesDied
114-HR5577 Innovation in Offshore Leasing Act114House - Natural Resources
Senate - Energy and Natural Resources
114-HR5638 Solar Fuels Innovation Act114House - Science
Senate - Energy and Natural Resources
and Technology
114-HR5640 Electricity Storage Innovation Act114House - Science
Senate - Energy and Natural Resources
and Technology
114-HR5719 Empowering Employees through Stock Ownership Act114House - Ways and MeansDied
114-HR6004 Modernizing Government Technology Act114House - Oversight and Government Reform
Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
114-HR9 Innovation Act114House Judiciary
Senate Judiciary
Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship
114-HRes835 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should adopt a national policy for technology to promote consumers' access to financial tools and online commerce to promote economic growth and consumer empowerment114House - Energy and Commerce
114-HRes847 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives about a national strategy for the Internet of Things to promote economic growth and consumer empowerment114House - Energy and Commerce
114-S1137 PATENT Act114Senate Judiciary
Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship
114-S1890 Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016114House Judiciary
Senate Judiciary
114-S632 STRONG Patents Act of 2015114Senate Judiciary
Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship
114-S926 Grace Period Restoration Act of 2015114Senate Judiciary
Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship
115-HR1219 Supporting America's Innovators Act115House - Financial ServicesProposed
115-HR1465 National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium Act115House - Homeland SecurityProposed
115-HR1560 Protecting Cyber Networks Act114House - Intelligence (Permanent)
Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
115-HR1597 The Commercial Market Representatives Clarification Act of 2017115House Small BusinessProposed
115-HR1640 Unifying Small Business Terminology Act115House Small BusinessProposed
115-HR1641 Defining Business Opportunity Specialists115House Small BusinessProposed
115-HR1645 Fostering Innovation Act115House - Financial Services
Senate - Banking
and Urban Affairs
115-HR1680 Women’s Business Centers Improvement Act of 2017115House Small BusinessProposed
115-HR1693 Improving Reporting on Small Business Goals115House Small BusinessProposed
115-HR1700 SCORE for Small Business Act of 2017115House Small BusinessProposed
115-HR1702 Small Business Development Centers Improvement Act of 2017115House Small BusinessProposed
115-HR1773 Clarity for America’s Small Contractors Act of 2017115House Small BusinessProposed
115-HR1774 Developing the Next Generation of Small Businesses Act of 2017115House Small BusinessProposed
115-HR240 Leveraging Emerging Technologies Act115House - Homeland Security
Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
115-HR387 Email Privacy Act115, 114House - Judiciary
Senate - Judiciary
115-HR39 TALENT Act115House - Oversight and Government ReformEnacted
115-S278 Support for Rapid Innovation Act115Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental AffairsProposed
... further results