Becker Stigler (1974) - Law Enforcement Malfeasance And The Compensation Of Enforcers

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Has article title Law Enforcement Malfeasance And The Compensation Of Enforcers
Has author Becker Stigler
Has year 1974
In journal
In volume
In number
Has pages
Has publisher
©, 2016


Becker, G. and G. Stigler (1974), Law Enforcement, Malfeasance, and the Compensation of Enforcers, Journal of Legal Studies 3, 1-19. pdf


No abstract available at this time

Topic and Basic ideas

A government is designing a wage scheme to deter corruption in a two period game. The government can choose a period 1 and period 2 wage. The benefit of bribing is [math]b[/math] and the probability of being caught is [math]p[/math].

Authors solve for optimal wages to deter bribing. Note that this can be costly, but recouped by using entrance fees.