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Exploring Economic Consultants’ AI Capabilities for Litigation 

This article compares 12 US economic consulting firms' AI capabilities, particularly those used to support litigation engagements. It finds that Cornerstone, Brattle, and AG have material AI capabilities and experience applying them to litigation. A second tier of economic consultants – Compass Lexecon, Econ One, BRG, and Keystone – are currently developing their AI capabilities.

A Solution to Vermont’s Declining Economy

Small, Dwindling, and Dead Last Vermont has pockets of prosperous haves in amongst fields of withering have-nots. Overall, though, the state’s economy has foundered for a long time. If you order America’s states on almost any economic measure, including those per capita or relative to the U.S. average, you’ll find Vermont near the bottom. For…

The Top 200 U.S. Startup Cities for 2020

The 200 top U.S. startup cities for venture capital (VC) investment for 2020 provide few surprises. The top four startup cities are the same for the third year in a row, and San Francisco holds on to its top spot for its 14th year. However, there are some changes to explore from the industry’s ongoing…

The Pandemic Stock Market Crash of 2020 Predicted to Worsen

Readers of American financial news might think that the pandemic stock market crash of 2020 happened in March and is over. That’s objectively not true: the pandemic stock market crash is still going on right now, and an analysis of past crashes suggests it’s about to get a lot worse. A crash is not just…

Ranking Startup Activity in Cities

Are startup hubs exclusive to a handful of U.S. cities? Or is high-technology entrepreneurship spreading throughout the country? To answer these questions, the McNair Center recently published The Top 100 U.S. Startup Cities in 2016,  ranking startup activity by tracking venture capital deals in U.S. cities. The report found that roughly 70% of startup activity…