Eleven undergraduate students, one graduate student, as well as Dr. Anne Dayton, had articles selected for publication on the McNair Center website. This site archives their work for future generations of entrepreneurship and innovation policy researchers.
In alphabetical order:

Diana Carranza is a summer research assistant at the McNair Center. She is a Master of Global Affairs degree candidate at Rice University. She is a graduate of Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas, where she majored in marketing and management.

Carlin Cherry is a research intern at the McNair Center. She is a rising junior at Rice University, majoring in mathematical economic analysis and philosophy and minoring in business. She is a Chinese Government Scholarship recipient and will be studying at Fudan University in Shanghai during the 2017-18 academic year.

Anne Dayton is the research manager at the McNair Center. She received her Ph.D. from Rice University in 2009. She edits the McNair Center policy blog.

Dylan Dickens is a McNair Center research intern during the academic year. He is a rising senior at Rice University, majoring in anthropology, policy studies and political science. He is interning at Accenture Strategy in the summer of 2017.

Meghana Gaur is a research intern at the McNair Center during the academic year. She is a rising junior at Rice University, majoring in mathematical economic analysis and minoring in statistics and politics, law and social thought. In the summer of 2017, she is interning at the Federal Housing Finance Agency in Washington D.C. through the Leadership Rice Mentorship Experience.

Iris Huang graduated from Rice University in 2016 with a major in economics. She is currently interning in marketing and events at 500 Startups.

Taylor “Tay” Jacobe is a research intern at the McNair Center during the academic year. She is a rising senior at Rice University, studying economics and policy studies. She is Operations and Strategy Intern at Kurani through the summer 2017 Leadership Rice Mentorship Experience.

Catherine Kirby is a research intern at the McNair Center. She is a rising junior at Rice University, majoring in political science and minoring in business. She is interning at the Office of the Secretary of Defense-Korea Policy during the summer of 2017.

Avesh Krishna is a research intern at the McNair Center during the academic year. He is a rising junior at Rice University, majoring in political science and economics and minoring in statistics. He is interning at the New American Leaders Project during the summer of 2017.

Eliza Martin is a research intern at the McNair Center. She is a rising senior at Rice University, majoring in political science, history and Latin American studies. During the summer of 2017, she is researching vote buying in Mexican and Argentine elections at the University of Texas at Austin.

Ramee Saleh is a research intern at the McNair Center during the academic year. She is a rising junior at Rice University, majoring in economics and policy studies. She is interning at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) during the summer of 2017.

Jake Silberman is a research intern at the McNair Center during the academic year. He is a rising senior at Rice University, majoring in economics. In the summer of 2017, he is interning at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Dallas.

Julia Wang is a research intern at the McNair Center during the academic year. She is a rising junior at Rice University, majoring in economics, policy studies and architecture history. She was awarded a Loewenstein Fellowship for the summer of 2017 and is researching the needs of the rural migrant population in Shanghai, China.