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==Tax Reform==
[ Christie’s Five Point Economic Growth Plan] ====“Flatter, Fairer And Simpler Individual Income Taxes”====*Lower Rates For Every American: Simplify the income tax system to just three individual income tax rates, instead of the current six. The top rate will be no higher than the 28% set in the last major successful tax reform effort in this country – the Bradley-Gephardt-Reagan law signed in 1986. and the bottom rate should be single digit.*Keep Taxes Simple By Reducing Deductions And Giveaways: Eliminate or modify deductions, credits, and targeted provisions in the code – both on the personal and the corporate side – to ensure that the plan does not increase the deficit. One approach in this regard is to cap the total amount of deductions and credits that an individual or married couple could take. **Governor Christie would keep in place the deduction for charitable contributions and that for interest on home mortgages – at least for a first home.====“Putting Capital To Work In America”====“U.S. companies are declining to make investments here at home.”*Encourage Capital Investments In Equipment: “Companies are not making capital investments in the U.S. in part because they are concerned about the anti-growth direction of Washington.” Christie wants to permit the full expensing of corporate investments in capital equipment and encourage this type of very important investment to “spur the type of growth that will create middle class jobs.” *A One-Time Repatriation Holiday: Allow American companies a one-time opportunity to repatriate profits earned overseas over the last two decades at a much lower tax rate - 8.75%.** “This would unleash well over a trillion dollars of capital that would be invested in the United States of America to expand companies in the U.S, build factories and warehouses, improve our infrastructure and create jobs.”*A Territorial Tax System: As it stands now, America is among a tiny handful of nations which have a system that taxes profits twice. Christie would have his “one-time repatriation holiday” be combined with a permanent transition to a Territorial Tax System going forward, in which profits are taxed just once in the country in which they are generated.====“A More Competitive Corporate Tax Rate”====“While other countries have been reducing their rates to improve their competitive position, the United States has been stuck at 35% which discourages investment and job creation.”*Reduce The Corporate Tax Rate From 35% To 25%: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) studies have shown that corporate taxes are the most harmful to growth. In fact, Standard & Poor’s reported that cutting the corporate tax rate by ten percentage point could create as many as 10 million jobs over the next five years, while improving labor force participation. NEED TO FACT CHECK THIS*Repeal The Medical Device Tax: Repeal one of Obamacare’s 2.3% tax on medical devices. “The medical device industry has been a source of growth for the U.S. economy, a source of exports, and a source of innovation.” ====Eliminate The Payroll Tax For Those At The Beginning And End Of Their Careers====In outlining his entitlement reform proposals, Governor Christie recommended eliminating the payroll tax for those above age 62. Today, Governor Christie is also calling for a similar tax break for those newly entering the work force, below age 25. This will encourage those nearing retirement to keep working should they want to; and make it easier for the young to enter the work force.
==Drug Policy==
[ Christie’s Criminal Justice Reform Plan]
Focus on Treatment First with Expansion of Drug Courts: Governor Christie has championed the use of drug courts in the state of New Jersey, which allow first time, non-violent offenders, the opportunity to get the treatment they need rather than serving jail time. The Governor expanded mandatory drug court for first time non-violent drug offenders across the state, and is calling for the expansion drug courts to every state.
*The rate at which drug court graduates are re-arrested for new offenses is 16% and the reconviction rate is 8%. This is compared to re-arrest rates for drug offenders released from prison, which stand at 54% with a re-conviction rate of 43%.
*An average institutional cost per inmate is approximately $38,900, whereas the cost for an active drug court participant is roughly $11,379.
Governor Christie also called for ending the current dysfunctional, ad-hoc approach for implementing drug courts being used on the federal level.
*As President, Christie would make drug court mandatory in all 94 federal districts. He will implement a system to review and analyze outcomes of the various drug court models and institute best practices guidance for federal judges and prosecutors.
I support medical not recreational marijuana. (Sep 2015)
==Entrepreneurship/Small Business==
“Ensuring That America Is The Home of Innovation”
“This will require investing in research and development, focusing education on the needs of employers and increasing access to capital.”
*Give Greater Priority To Investments In The Future: In the past few decades, as spending on entitlements and health care as a percent of GDP has soared, investment in R&D has been basically flat. Yet it is this exact investment in basic R&D, in such areas as biomedical research, materials science, and high performance computing that has laid the vital groundwork for so much innovation in America’s fastest growing industries, such as technology and biotech.
**To encourage private sector innovation, the R&D tax credit permanent as part of broader tax reform. In 2009, over 12,000 companies, including over 5,000 manufacturers, used the credit.
*Greater Focus On Workforce Skills In Higher Education: In addition to investing in universities themselves through research, the U.S. must do a better job matching the skills students learn with the needs of employers. Pathways between high school, post-secondary education, and the entrylevel job market must be more seamless. Students and parents also need greater transparency on what they’re paying for and greater choice on whether we want to pay for it.
*Give Young, Growing Companies Easier Access To Capital: America has for many years had the deepest, most liquid, most transparent capital markets in the world. Yet America is now losing its edge, in part due to the unintended consequences of regulation. Reform which makes it easier for young high growth companies to access the capital markets is essential.
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