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361 bytes added ,  13:18, 21 July 2017
\COPY companybasekeysaddmaskeysaddipokeys TO 'companybasekeysaddmaskeysaddipokeys.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
Openin Excel and add a flag to see the rows with an ipokey as well as a maskey. You can use a formula like this: =IF(OR(ISBLANK(G518),ISBLANK(D518)),0,1). You'll see there are 83 portcokeys that match to an ipokey and a maskey. We'll write a query in sql to take the ipokey or maskey with the lowest date attached to it. This will be the exit date for that portco.
==Name Based Matching companybase keys to ipo keys==

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