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1,025 bytes added ,  15:58, 11 July 2018
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The only error I encountered here was with Cardtronic Technology Inc. Here there was a problem with a mixture ofquotation marks which cause errors in loading. Find this using the excel trick and remove it manually.  DROP TABLE ipos; CREATE TABLE ipos ( issuedate date, issuer varchar(255), statecode varchar(10), principalamt money, --million proceedsamt money, --sum of all markets in million naiccode varchar(255), --primary NAIC code zipcode varchar(10), status varchar (20), foundeddate date );  \COPY ipos FROM 'IPO1980-2018q2-NoFoot-normal.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV --12107 I encountered no errors while loading this data.   DROP TABLE branchoffices; CREATE TABLE branchoffices ( firmname varchar(255), bocity varchar(100), bostate varchar(2), bocountrycode varchar(2), bonation varchar(100), bozip varchar(10), boaddr1 varchar(100), boaddr2 varchar(100) );  \COPY branchoffices FROM 'USVCFirmBranchOffices1980-2018q2-NoFoot-normal.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV --10353 I encountered no errors while loading this data.


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