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37831-8243 | 37831-8243
The issue is the difference inconsistency between postcode and (postcode_city, postcode_addr1 and postcode_addr2).
* Difference Inconsistency between postcode and postcode_addr1
postcode_addr1 beats postcode because addrline1 is detailed. For example:
P.O. BOX 6 / 83707-0006 | 83707-0006 | 83716
* Difference Inconsistency between postcode and postcode_addr2
postcode_addr2 beats postcode because addrline2 is detailed.
Providence, RI 02903
* Difference Inconsistency between postcode and postcode_city
postcode_city beats postcode.
Postcodes extracted from addrline1, addrline2 and city are stored in ptoassigneend_postcode.
For records of which addrline1, addrline2 and city don't contain postcode info, just clean the feature postcode as the postcode_cleaned
All the cleaned postcodes for U.S. patents are stored in ptoassigneend_us_postcodecleaned. (SELECT 3572460)

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