Jobs & Business Policy Quotes

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Free Market

Bernie Sanders

"I think there is obviously an enormously important role for the free market and for entrepreneurial activity. I worry how free the free market is. In sector after sector, you have a small number of companies controlling a large part of the sector." BSI

Hillary Clinton

  • "Launch a national effort to cut the red tape holding small businesses back...Provide targeted tax relief for small businesses and simplify tax filing" HCW

Donald Trump

  • "I’m a free trader. I believe in it but we have to be smart and we have to use smart people to negotiate." RD6

Ted Cruz

  • "Republicans are and should be the party of small business and of entrepreneurs" TCS
  • "We are facing what I consider to be the epic battle of our generation, quite literally the battle over whether we remain a free market nation." TCS

Jeb Bush

  • "We should let market forces, not crony capitalism, decide where to invest and how to incentivize citizens to conserve." JBS

Marco Rubio

  • "Every nation on the Earth that embraces market economics and the free enterprise system is pulling millions of its people out of poverty. The free enterprise system creates prosperity, not denies it." MRS

Ben Carson

  • "If you let the economy work the way it's supposed to in a free market environment, there'll be plenty of jobs and people determine their own value by what they know and what they are capable of doing. BCS

Unemployment Rate

Donald Trump

  • "Don’t believe these phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent." DTS

John Kasich

  • "The anemic growth we have today isn't because the federal government failed to do enough but because it succeeded in doing too much" TS

Marco Rubio

  • "Washington went along with his prescription for joblessness, which was the stimulus package, and unemployment is higher than it was when he took over, significantly higher. In fact, we have not had unemployment this high for this long since the Great Depression, with no signs of it getting better." POL

Small Businesses

  • Ted Cruz: “Imagine instead of economic stagnation, booming economic growth. Instead of small businesses going out of business in record numbers, imagine small businesses growing and prospering.” (politifact)
  • Ben Carson: “The current regulatory climate has harmed the ability of small businesses to grow and create jobs. For example, small businesses cannot expand beyond 50 employees without facing significant economic consequences from Obamacare. I believe removing such burdensome regulations would boost small businesses and help jumpstart the economy." (BCW-SB)
  • Jeb Bush: "You think about the regulatory cost and the tax cost--that's why small businesses are closing, rather than being formed in our country right now. The big corporations have the scale to deal with all of this." (OTI-JB)
  • "The past 4 years have not been kind to small businesses. Republicans should bring their message of low taxes and moderate regulatory policies to Hispanic communities whose economic future depends on such policies." (OTIC)
  • Marco Rubio: "Unfortunately, American small businesses, like the broader American economy, are struggling. In recent years, more businesses are being destroyed than created."(MRW)
  • "Simplifying our tax code will help the middle class, because it will make it easier for small businesses to hire and grow. And we agree with the President that we should lower our corporate tax rate, which is one of the highest in the world, so that companies will start bringing their money and their jobs back here from overseas."[ (OTI-MR)