Fee Status Table

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       Table "public.feestatus"
Column  |       Type        | Modifiers 
patent  | character varying | 
four    | text              | 
eight   | text              | 
twelve  | text              | 
feedate | date              | 

patent  | four | eight | twelve |  feedate   
4374868 |      | 3     |        | 1990-02-22
4650733 | 3    |       |        | 1990-03-19
4652595 | 3    |       |        | 1990-03-26
4653228 | 2    |       |        | 1990-04-02
4379068 |      | 3     |        | 1990-04-05
4654509 | 2    |       |        | 1990-04-07
4531477 |      | 2     |        | 1990-05-07
4386763 |      | 2     |        | 1990-06-07
4679810 | 3    |       |        | 1990-07-16
4680106 | 3    |       |        | 1990-07-16
4399936 |      | 3     |        | 1990-08-23
4690471 | 3    |       |        | 1990-09-04
4692571 | 3    |       |        | 1990-09-10
4403386 |      | 2     |        | 1990-09-13
4693634 | 3    |       |        | 1990-09-17