Assignment Date Table

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Table Purpose

Table Structure

             Table "public.assignmentdate"
   Column     |          Type          | Modifiers 
reel          | integer                | 
frame         | integer                | 
recdate       | date                   | 
actionkeycode | character varying(500) | 
trandate      | date                   | 
dateproduced  | date                   | 

Example of table entries:

reel  | frame |  recdate   | actionkeycode |  trandate  | dateproduced 
15283 |   287 | 1970-01-04 | AN            | 2016-01-06 | 2013-11-01
 5744 |   401 | 1975-09-08 | AN            | 2016-01-04 | 2013-11-01
 3634 |   874 | 1979-03-02 | AN            | 2016-01-04 | 2013-11-01
 3634 |   875 | 1979-03-02 | AN            | 2016-01-04 | 2013-11-01
 3625 |   888 | 1979-03-05 | AN            | 2016-01-04 | 2013-11-01
 8613 |   265 | 1979-05-27 | AN            | 2016-01-06 | 2013-11-01
 3835 |   710 | 1979-09-07 | AN            | 2016-01-04 | 2013-11-01
 3692 |   537 | 1979-09-26 | AN            | 2016-01-04 | 2013-11-01
 3696 |   452 | 1979-10-11 | AN            | 2016-01-04 | 2013-11-01
 3818 |   140 | 1980-01-02 | AN            | 2016-01-04 | 2013-11-01

Table Variables

Reel and frame give the location on the microfilm files where the particular transaction is recorded. The reel number and frame number are unique to a transaction between the assignee and assignor. The recdate is the date the assignment was recorded. The actionkeycode is an indicator for whether the transaction was included in a daily, weekly, bi-monthly or annual release.[1] The trandate is when the data was extracted into the file. The table has a composite key consisting of reel, frame, and recdate.

Current Problems

Meaning of dateproduced is unknown.