Mike Huckabee

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Tax Reform

Proposed a FairTax system (MHWTR)

  • abolish IRS and tax code
  • eliminate all income tax, including payroll, Medicare, Social Security, and investment income taxes
  • establish national sales tax
  • “senior bonus payment” instead of Social Security
  • bonus payments to poor individuals
  • claim: the FairTax system will ensure that everyone including criminals will be required to pay the tax, since it is a sales tax instead of income tax, reinvest $22 trillion in offshore money *back to the United States, grow economy by 6% each year, create millions of manufacturing jobs


"We should explore and exploit all forms of domestically produced energy — oil, gas, wind, solar, bio-fuels, hydro-electric, nuclear, coal — anything and everything."[1]

  • push for energy independence
  • support Keystone Pipeline

Spending and Debt

Reject the failed Obama-Clinton policies that punish working families and encourage government dependency.

Secure the border & end illegal immigration.

Repeal & replace ObamaCare.[2]

Gun Control

Defend the 2nd Amendment

Oppose new gun control laws

Protect the rights of gun owners from Big Government

Oppose new gun restrictions, registrations, regulations & mandates[3]

National Security

Rebuild America’s military superiority. The best way to avoid conflict is to build a lethal fighting force so strong and powerful that no one would dare mess with us.

Restore our role as leader of the Free World. Our enemies no longer fear us and our allies no longer trust or respect us.

Reject Obama’s crisis-management approach to the world. We need a President who will accept responsibility and lead.

As President, I will lead with moral clarity in a dangerous world. Moral clarity is the foundation to our economic and military strength.[4]

Sources Key

(MHWTR) = [5]