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31,840 bytes added ,  17:31, 30 January 2018
==File locations==
Database files are located here:
SDC files are located here and the normalized versions are copied into the Z folder above:
E:\McNair\Projects\VC Database
Database can be started by typing psql vcdb2
The file containing all the SQL queries used to build vcdb2 is located in the Z drive and named ProcessData2.sql.
Rebuild roundbase, round, geo, ipos, mas from SDC data.
==Loading starting data into database==
Database is named vcdb2. It is located in /bulk/VentureCapitalData/SDCVCData. Launch with psql vcdb2. Load the following tables by running the commands below. Make sure the sql scripts and data txt files are all located in the folder. Check that the line numbers copied into your new tables match the line numbers in the Load files.
\i LoadFunds.sql
\i LoadIPOs.sql
\i LoadMAs.sql
\i LoadRoundbase.sql
\i LoadFirms.sql
==Gathering geo data from company addresses==
If you do not already have a file with all the geo data in it you can lookup the latitude, longitude data from google using the company address. A link on how to use the [[]] is found here.When you copy the addresses out of the database be sure to include a distinct key that will allow you to join the geo data back with the portco key. Some of the geo coordinates are incorrect. This was found while analyzing the output data. I traced this back to a dirty file we initially used for geo coordinates called GeocodedVCData. In the future the safest way to get geo-coordinates is to use the script by feeding company addresses. ==Build dead/alive flags==First find the deaddate for each company. Make sure that you have companybasecore, ipocore, mascore tables. Then calculate a deaddate. If there is no exit then the deaddate is datelastinv + 5 years. Take a look at the queries below. CREATE TABLE deaddate AS SELECT c.coname, c.statecode, c.datefirstinv, c.datelastinv, i.issuedate, m.announceddate FROM companybasecore AS c LEFT JOIN companybasekeyipokeycore AS ipokey ON c.coname = ipokey.coname AND c.statecode = ipokey.statecode AND c.datefirstinv = ipokey.datefirstinv LEFT JOIN companybasekeymaskeycore AS maskey ON c.coname = maskey.coname AND c.statecode = maskey.statecode AND c.datefirstinv = maskey.datefirstinv LEFT JOIN ipocore AS i ON i.issuer = ipokey.ipoissuer AND i.issuedate = ipokey.ipoissuedate AND i.statecode = ipokey.ipostatecode LEFT JOIN mascore AS m ON m.targetname = maskey.mastargetname AND m.targetstatecode = maskey.masstatecode AND m.announceddate = maskey.announceddate; --44740  CREATE TABLE deaddate1 AS SELECT *, CASE WHEN issuedate IS NULL AND announceddate IS NULL THEN datelastinv + INTERVAL '5 YEAR' WHEN issuedate IS NOT NULL THEN issuedate WHEN announceddate IS NOT NULL THEN announceddate END AS deaddate FROM deaddate; --44740You will need to run the queries below to build out a master table that has dead and alive flags and the company counts for each year in the database by datefirstinv. CREATE TABLE stageflagscore AS SELECT *, CASE WHEN seedflag = 1 OR earlyflag = 1 OR laterflag = 1 THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS selflag FROM stageflags; --143347  DROP TABLE selcos; CREATE TABLE selcos AS SELECT DISTINCT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, selflag FROM stageflagscore WHERE excludeflag = 0 AND selflag = 1; --32597   DROP TABLE deadalive; CREATE TABLE deadalive AS SELECT deaddate1.*, sel.selflag FROM deaddate1 LEFT JOIN selcos AS sel ON deaddate1.coname = sel.coname AND deaddate1.statecode = sel.statecode AND deaddate1.datefirstinv = sel.datefirstinv; --44740  --match to sel flag DROP TABLE deadalivesel; CREATE TABLE deadalivesel AS SELECT da.*, flags.stage3, flags.seedflag, flags.earlyflag, flags.laterflag, flags.growthflag, flags.transactionflag, flags.excludeflag FROM deadalive AS da LEFT JOIN stageflags AS flags ON da.coname = flags.coname AND da.statecode = flags.statecode AND da.datefirstinv = flags.datefirstinv; --143310  CREATE TABLE deadalive1 as SELECT coname, city, statecode, datefirstinv, datelastinv, deaddate, extract(year from datefirstinv) as aliveyear, extract(year from deaddate) AS deadyear FROM deadalive WHERE selflag=1; --32575  DROP TABLE tempbase; CREATE TABLE tempbase As SELECT DISTINCT year, coname, city, statecode FROM allyears JOIN deadalive1 ON year>=extract(year from datefirstinv) AND year<=deadyear; --239446  DROP TABLE alivecount; CREATE TABLE alivecount AS SELECT city, statecode, year, count(coname) as numalive FROM tempbase GROUP BY city, statecode, year ORDER by count(coname) DESC; --42296 \COPY alivecount TO 'alivecount.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV '''NOTES FROM ED:'''*There wasn't a full population deadalive portco level keyed table, so I made one  DROP TABLE PortCoDeadAliveMaster; CREATE TABLE PortCoDeadAliveMaster as SELECT coname, city, statecode, datefirstinv, datelastinv, deaddate, extract(year from datefirstinv) as aliveyear, extract(year from deaddate) AS deadyear FROM deadalive; --44740 This code is in '''FixingVCDB2.sql''' in Z:\VentureCapitalData\SDCVCData\vcdb2 ==Creating coleveloutput==One of the output tables required by the other researchers is the coleveloutput table. It contains company, geo and ipo/ma details in the form of aliveyear, deadyear. Here's how you build it: DROP TABLE SelFlagBase; CREATE TABLE SelFlagBase AS SELECT DISTINCT coname, statecode, datefirstinv from stageflags where growthflag=1; --32597  DROP TABLE companybasecore2; CREATE TABLE companybasecore2 AS SELECT companybasecore.*, CASE WHEN SELFlagbase.coname IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS hadgrowthvc FROM companybasecore LEFT JOIN SelFlagBase ON SelFlagBase.coname=companybasecore.coname AND SelFlagBase.statecode=companybasecore.statecode AND SelFlagBase.datefirstinv=companybasecore.datefirstinv; --44740  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM companybasecore2 WHERE hadgrowthvc=1; --32575  DROP TABLE coleveloutput; CREATE TABLE coleveloutput AS SELECT companybasecore2.coname, companybasecore2.statecode, companybasecore2.datefirstinv,, companybasecore2.addr1, companybasecore2.addr2,, g.latitude, g.longitude, d.deaddate, d.aliveyear, d.deadyear FROM companybasecore2 LEFT JOIN deadalive1 AS d ON d.coname=companybasecore2.coname AND d.statecode=companybasecore2.statecode AND d.datefirstinv=companybasecore2.datefirstinv LEFT JOIN geoimport AS g ON g.coname = companybasecore2.coname AND g.statecode = companybasecore2.statecode AND g.datefirstinv = companybasecore2.datefirstinv WHERE hadgrowthvc=1; --32575 \COPY coleveloutput TO 'coleveloutput.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV ==Creating colevelsimple== DROP TABLE colevelsimple; CREATE TABLE colevelsimple AS SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, city, addr1, addr2, zip, aliveyear, deadyear, latitude, longitude FROM coleveloutput WHERE aliveyear IS NOT NULL and deadyear IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL; --31171 ==Creating roundplus== DROP TABLE roundplus; CREATE TABLE roundplus AS SELECT roundcore.*,, seedflag, earlyflag, laterflag, growthflag, transactionflag, excludeflag, CASE WHEN roundcore.datefirstinv=roundcore.rounddate THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END as dealflag, CASE WHEN SELFlagbase.coname IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS hadgrowthvc, extract(year from roundcore.rounddate) as roundyear, CASE WHEN rndamtdisck IS NOT NULL THEN rndamtdisck/1000 WHEN rndamtdisck IS NULL AND rndamtestk IS NOT NULL THEN rndamtestk/1000 ELSE NULL::real END as roundamtm FROM roundcore LEFT JOIN SelFlagBase ON SelFlagBase.coname=roundcore.coname AND SelFlagBase.statecode=roundcore.statecode AND SelFlagBase.datefirstinv=roundcore.datefirstinv LEFT JOIN stageflags ON stageflags.coname=roundcore.coname AND stageflags.statecode=roundcore.statecode AND stageflags.datefirstinv=roundcore.datefirstinv AND stageflags.rounddate=roundcore.rounddate LEFT JOIN companybasecore AS c ON c.coname = roundcore.coname AND c.statecode = roundcore.statecode AND c.datefirstinv = roundcore.datefirstinv; --143001  SELECT coname, rounddate FROM (SELECT coname, rounddate FROM roundplus)a GROUP BY coname, rounddate HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;  DELETE FROM roundplus WHERE coname = 'New York Digital Health LLC'; --2 ==Creating round level outputs==roundplus is used to build the two table outputs below at the round level. DROP TABLE roundleveloutput; CREATE TABLE roundleveloutput AS SELECT city, statecode, roundyear as year, sum(roundamtm*seedflag) AS seedamtm, sum(roundamtm*earlyflag) AS earlyamtm, sum(roundamtm*laterflag) AS lateramtm, sum(roundamtm*growthflag) AS selamtm, sum(seedflag) AS numseeds, sum(earlyflag) AS numearly, sum(laterflag) AS numlater, sum(growthflag) AS numsel, sum(dealflag) AS numdeals FROM roundplus WHERE hadgrowthvc=1 GROUP BY city, statecode, roundyear ORDER BY city, statecode, roundyear; --22266   DROP TABLE roundleveloutput2; CREATE TABLE roundleveloutput2 AS SELECT roundleveloutput.*, numalive FROM roundleveloutput LEFT JOIN alivecount ON AND alivecount.statecode=roundleveloutput.statecode AND alivecount.year=roundleveloutput.year; --22266 ==Cleaning round table==Use coname, rounddate as the key for this table. Exclude all keys that occur more than once. CREATE TABLE roundexclude AS SELECT * FROM ( SELECT coname, rounddate FROM round) t GROUP BY coname, rounddate HAVING COUNT(*) > 1; --154  CREATE TABLE roundcore AS SELECT * FROM round WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM roundexclude AS re WHERE re.coname = round.coname AND re.rounddate = round.rounddate); --143000 
==Creating Stage Flags Table==
END AS excludeflag
FROM round;
*There wasn't a colevel, portco keyed master flag table, so I made one from '''roundplus''' (see below)
*I also included basic round summary data
DROP TABLE PortCoFlagMaster;
SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, city
max(growthflag) AS hadgrowth, sum(growthflag) as numgrowth,
max(seedflag) AS hadseed, sum(seedflag) as numseed,
max(earlyflag) AS hadearly, sum(earlyflag) as numearly,
max(laterflag) AS hadlater, sum(laterflag) as numlater,
max(transactionflag) AS hadtrans, sum(transactionflag) as numtrans,
max(excludeflag) AS hadexcl, sum(excludeflag) as numexcl,
max(dealflag) AS haddeal,
COUNT(rounddate) as numrounds, sum(numinvestors) as totalinvestors
FROM roundplus
GROUP BY coname, statecode, datefirstinv, city;
Code is in FixingVCDB2.sql in Z:\VentureCapitalData\SDCVCData\vcdb2
==Fixing erroneous geo-coordinates==
Some of the geocoordinates in the db are dirty and point to locations in India, Eastern Europe. However, the company addresses exist. Isolate the dirty geo-coordinates and do a lookup using script. To isolate place a box around the continental US and flag all points that fall outside the box. Add back the points that are located in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Then import back into db.
I used longitude boundaries of -66 to -125 and latitude boundaries of 24 to 50.
--identify bad geo coords
DROP TABLE badgeodata;
CREATE TABLE badgeodata (
city varchar(100),
companyname varchar(100),
startyear real,
endyear real,
latitude real,
longitude real,
noaddress int
\COPY badgeodata FROM 'badgeodata.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
DROP TABLE geodirtydata;
CREATE TABLE geodirtydata AS
FROM geoimport AS g
INNER JOIN badgeodata AS bg ON g.coname = bg.companyname;
\COPY geodirtydata TO 'geodirtydata.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
DROP TABLE geodirtydatawithflags;
CREATE TABLE geodirtydatawithflags (
coname varchar(100),
statecode varchar(2),
datefirstinv date,
latitude real,
longitude real,
longdirtyflag int,
latdirtyflag int,
hawaiiflag int,
prflag int,
latlongflag int,
masterflag int
\COPY geodirtydatawithflags FROM 'geodirtydataflags.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
--import coordinates back into db
DROP TABLE geodirtyfix;
CREATE TABLE geodirtyfix (
coname varchar(100),
statecode varchar(2),
datefirstinv date,
latitude real,
longitude real
\COPY geodirtyfix FROM 'geodirtyfix.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
DROP TABLE geoimportclean;
CREATE TABLE geoimportclean AS
FROM geoimport AS g
WHERE g.coname NOT IN (SELECT coname FROM geodirtyfix);
DROP TABLE geoimportfix;
CREATE TABLE geoimportfix AS
SELECT * FROM geoimportclean
SELECT * FROM geodirtyfix
Then redo coleveloutput and colevelsimple using the geoimportfix as your geo table instead of geoimport.
==Re-Fixing erroneous geo-coordinates==
There are still geo errors in the db. Addresses within the US have incorrect geo-coordinates. To fix this problem we will just lookup all the addresses in the DB using the script. Also we need to pull a company level file from SDC because the addresses will be copied down or be null by the normalizer. Modify your round ssh sdc script to remove the round dates. Therefore only one line will be assigned to one company. There will be no normalization errors this way. Then copy into the db and copy out all the distinct coname, statecode, datefirstinv that have a value in addr1 or addr2. Then run this through the geocode script. Copy the result back into the db and redo the colevel output tables.
*The lat/long data has to be stored as decimal or numeric to prevent precision problems.
*The join was to the old (wrong) base table, that had addresses copied down.
*The code below has been fixed up and rerun. The fixed up code is in ProcessingCoLevelSimple.sql
DROP TABLE geoallcoords;
CREATE TABLE geoallcoords (
coname varchar(100),
statecode varchar(2),
datefirstinv date,
latitude numeric,
longitude numeric
\COPY geoallcoords FROM 'sdccompanygeolookup.txt_coords' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
--select latitude, longitude from geoallcoords;
--redo the colevel output tables
DROP TABLE coleveloutput;
CREATE TABLE coleveloutput AS
SELECT A.coname, A.statecode, A.datefirstinv,,
A.addr1, A.addr2,, g.latitude, g.longitude, d.deaddate, d.aliveyear, d.deadyear
FROM sdccompanybasecore2 AS A
LEFT JOIN deadalive1 AS d ON d.coname=A.coname AND d.statecode=A.statecode AND
LEFT JOIN geoallcoords AS g ON g.coname = A.coname AND g.statecode = A.statecode AND g.datefirstinv =
WHERE hadgrowthvc=1;
DROP TABLE colevelsimple;
CREATE TABLE colevelsimple AS
SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, city, addr1, addr2, zip, aliveyear, deadyear, latitude,
FROM coleveloutput WHERE aliveyear IS NOT NULL and deadyear IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL;
<nowiki>\COPY colevelsimple TO 'colevelsimple.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV</nowiki>
*The query below is now redundant.
*The same cleaning is done in ProcessingCoLevelSimple.sql
*The clean table is CoLevelSimpleClean
*This clean table is used as the basis for CoLevelBlowOut
I also added flags on the geodata table to filter points outside the US. You can use the geoallcoords1 table instead of geoallcoords and set excludeflag = 1 to filter out 292 erroneous points when you create your colevel tables.
CREATE TABLE geoallcoords1 AS
WHEN longitude < -125 OR longitude > -66 OR latitude < 24 OR latitude > 50 OR latitude = NULL OR longitude = NULL THEN 1::int ELSE
0::int END AS excludeflag
FROM geoallcoords;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM geoallcoords1 WHERE excludeflag = 1;
==Cleaning firmbase==
*The base table - firmbase - was reloaded after it was found to be incorrectly normalized.
*[[Retrieving_US_VC_Data_From_SDC#VC_Funds]] was corrected
*The code below has been rerun!
First flag the undisclosed funds.
The firmbase table contains undisclosed firms. Add a flag and remove them. Then use firmname, statecode, foundingdate as the key for this table. Check that is valid and make your core table.
DROP TABLE firmbase1;
WHEN firmname LIKE '%Undisclosed Firm%' THEN 1::int
ELSE 0::int END AS undisclosedflag
FROM firmbase;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM firmbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT firmname, statecode, foundingdate FROM firmbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0)a;
DROP TABLE firmbasecore;
CREATE TABLE firmbasecore AS
SELECT * FROM firmbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0;
Instead we chose to use only firmname as the key because there were not too many duplicates. We remove the duplicates by selecting the lesser foundingdate.
DROP TABLE firmbaseduplicates;
CREATE TABLE firmbaseduplicates AS
FROM (SELECT firmname FROM firmbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0)a
GROUP BY firmname
DROP TABLE firmbaseinclude;
CREATE TABLE firmbaseinclude AS
SELECT f.firmname, MAX(f.foundingdate) AS foundingdate
FROM firmbase1 AS f
INNER JOIN firmbaseduplicates AS d ON f.firmname = d.firmname
GROUP BY f.firmname;
DROP TABLE firmbasec;
FROM firmbase1 AS l
LEFT JOIN firmbaseinclude AS r ON r.firmname = l.firmname AND r.foundingdate = l.foundingdate
WHERE r.firmname IS NULL AND undisclosedflag = 0;
DROP TABLE firmbasecore;
CREATE TABLE firmbasecore AS
SELECT * FROM firmbasec WHERE firmname NOT LIKE 'Amundi%';
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT firmname) FROM firmbasecore;
NOTE: We have dropped 'Amundi' for reasons specified in "Cleaning branchoffices," below.
==Cleaning branchoffices==
DROP TABLE branchofficesbase;
CREATE TABLE branchofficesbase AS
WHEN firmname LIKE '%Undisclosed Firm%' THEN 1::int
ELSE 0::int END AS undisclosedflag
FROM branchoffices;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM branchofficesbase WHERE undisclosedflag = 0;
DROP TABLE branchofficecore;
CREATE TABLE branchofficecore AS
SELECT * FROM branchofficesbase WHERE undisclosedflag = 0;
DROP TABLE bocore;
AS SELECT * FROM branchofficecore WHERE firmname not like 'Amundi%';
There are no duplicates in firmbasecore. In firmbase, 'Amundi Private Equity Funds SA' is the only duplicate, but we dropped the one with the earlier founding date when we cleaned firmbase. Amundi has 2 branch offices in the same city (Bucharest) but different zip codes, which is why there are different counts when we use firmname/firmname,bocity vs firmname, bozip as our key.
NOTE: We have dropped "Amundi" from firmbasecore, as well as branchofficecore, in order to use firmname as a valid key for bocore.
==Cleaning fundbase==
*The base table - '''fundbase''' - was reloaded after it was found to be incorrectly normalized.
**All sorts of fields were copied down when they shouldn't have been.
*[[Retrieving_US_VC_Data_From_SDC#VC_Funds]] was corrected
*The code in this section has been rerun.
First flag the undisclosed funds.
DROP TABLE fundbase1;
WHEN fundname LIKE '%Undisclosed Fund%' THEN 1::int
ELSE 0::int END AS undisclosedflag
FROM fundbase;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fundbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT fundname, firstinvdate FROM fundbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0)a;
You can see that fundname, firstinvdate is a good key. But we're going to use simply the fundname as a key because it will be easier to do join operations later.
DROP TABLE fundbasecore;
CREATE TABLE fundbasecore AS
FROM fundbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT fundname FROM fundbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0)a;
The plan is to grab all the duplicate fundnames and only include the ones with the MIN(closedate) AND MIN(lastinvdate) in the fundbasecore table.
DROP TABLE fundnameexclude;
CREATE TABLE fundnameexclude AS
SELECT fundname, COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT fundname FROM fundbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0)a
GROUP BY fundname
DROP TABLE fundexclude;
CREATE TABLE fundexclude AS
FROM fundbase1 AS f
INNER JOIN fundnameexclude as e ON f.fundname = e.fundname;
DROP TABLE fundbase2;
FROM fundbase1 WHERE undisclosedflag = 0
FROM fundexclude;
DROP TABLE fundinclude;
CREATE TABLE fundinclude AS
SELECT fundname, MIN(closedate) AS closedate, MIN(lastinvdate) AS lastinvdate
FROM fundexclude
GROUP BY fundname;
DROP TABLE fundinclude2;
CREATE TABLE fundinclude2 AS
FROM fundbase1 AS f
INNER JOIN fundinclude AS fu ON f.fundname = fu.fundname AND f.closedate = fu.closedate AND f.lastinvdate = fu.lastinvdate;
--create fundcore table
DROP TABLE fundbasecore;
CREATE TABLE fundbasecore AS
SELECT * FROM fundbase2
SELECT * FROM fundinclude2;
==Name based matching firms to funds==
Get the firms and fund keys and also include the firmname from the fundbasecore table. Run these two files through the Matcher. Then manually flag the multiple matches. There are only ~50 of them. Then reimport to vcdb2.
DROP TABLE fundkeysandfirms;
CREATE TABLE fundkeysandfirms AS
SELECT fundname, firstinvdate, firmname
FROM fundbasecore;
\COPY fundkeysandfirms TO 'fundkeysandfirms.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
DROP TABLE firmkeys;
SELECT firmname, statecode, foundingdate
FROM firmbasecore;
\COPY firmkeys TO 'firmkeys.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
CREATE TABLE matcherfirmsfunds (
firmname varchar(100),
firmstatecode varchar(2),
firmfoundingdate date,
fundname varchar(100),
fundfirstinvdate date,
fundfirmname varchar(100),
excludeflag int,
excludeflagmaster int
\COPY matcherfirmsfunds FROM 'matcheroutputfundsfirms.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
==Joining firms with funds==
DROP TABLE firmfundstestjoin;
CREATE TABLE firmfundstestjoin AS
SELECT f.firmname AS firmfirmname, fu.firmname AS fundsfirmname
FROM firmbasecore AS f
INNER JOIN fundbasecore AS fu ON f.firmname = fu.firmname WHERE fu.firmname != 'Undisclosed Firm';
If you do the full join you will notice that there are 30 firms in the funds table that do not exist in the firms table.
==Joining funds with roundline==
There is a lot of mismatches between funds and roundline. After investigation, it seems that some of the fundnames were altered in the roundline data. We will need to fix the and scripts to fix this issue. After fixing and reimporting the roundline into vcdb2 there are still 1,963 funds that appear in roundline that are not in fundbasecore.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT a.fundname, b.fundname FROM (SELECT DISTINCT fundname FROM
roundline1 WHERE undisclosedflag=0) AS A LEFT JOIN (select distinct fundname FROM fundbasecore) AS B ON a.fundname=b.fundname WHERE
b.fundname IS NULL)as r;
--Look at the ones that don't match
SELECT a.fundname, b.fundname FROM (SELECT DISTINCT fundname FROM
roundline1 WHERE undisclosedflag=0) AS A LEFT JOIN (select distinct fundname FROM fundbasecore) AS B ON a.fundname=b.fundname WHERE
b.fundname IS NULL;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT fundname) FROM roundline1 WHERE undisclosedflag=0;
SELECT count(*) FROM ((SELECT a.fundname, b.fundname FROM (SELECT DISTINCT fundname FROM
roundline1 WHERE undisclosedflag=0) AS A JOIN (select distinct fundname FROM fundbasecore) AS B ON a.fundname=b.fundname)) AS t;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT fundname) FROM fundbasecore;
SELECT count(*) FROM ((SELECT a.fundname, b.firmname FROM (SELECT DISTINCT fundname, firmname FROM
fundbasecore) AS A JOIN (select distinct firmname FROM firmbasecore) AS B ON a.firmname=b.firmname)) AS t;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT firmname) FROM fundbasecore;
SELECT count(*) FROM ((SELECT a.firmname, b.firmname FROM (SELECT DISTINCT firmname FROM
firmbasecore) AS A JOIN (select distinct firmname FROM fundbasecore) AS B ON a.firmname=b.firmname)) AS t;
==Creating portcoexitmaster==
Portcoexitmaster contains the portcokey with an exitflag, ipoflag and maflag and an exit value. It is built off the companybaseipomasmaster table so be sure you've built this first. Note that the amounts are actually in m (not k) in the input.
ALTER TABLE portcoexitbuild RENAME TO portcoexitbuildbak;
CREATE TABLE portcoexitbuild AS
SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, ipoissuedate, masannounceddate, ipoamt, maamt, investedk
FROM companybaseipomasmaster;
DROP TABLE portcoexitmaster;
CREATE TABLE portcoexitmaster AS
SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, investedk,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL THEN ipoissuedate WHEN masannounceddate IS NOT NULL THEN masannounceddate ELSE NULL END AS exitdate,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS ipoflag,
CASE WHEN masannounceddate IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS maflag,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL OR masannounceddate IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS exitflag,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL THEN ipoamt::numeric::float8 ELSE maamt::numeric::float8 END AS
FROM portcoexitbuild;
\COPY portcoexitmaster TO 'portcoexitmaster.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
==Creating portcoroundlinefirmmaster==
portcoroundlinefirmmaster table contains portcokey, roundline, firm table.
CREATE TABLE portcoroundlinefirmmaster AS
SELECT c.coname, c.statecode, c.datefirstinv, r.rounddate, r.amountk, r.fundname, f.firmname
FROM companybasecore AS c
INNER JOIN roundline AS r ON c.coname = r.coname AND c.statecode = r.statecode AND c.datefirstinv = r.datefirstinv
INNER JOIN fundbasecore AS fu ON fu.fundname = r.fundname
INNER JOIN firmbasecore AS f ON f.firmname = fu.firmname;
==Joining funds, firms, roundline with companybasecore==
DROP TABLE fundbasefirmbaseroundlinegoodkeys;
CREATE TABLE fundbasefirmbaseroundlinegoodkeys AS
SELECT c.coname, c.statecode, c.datefirstinv, r.coname AS rconame, r.statecode AS rstatecode, r.datefirstinv AS rdatefirstinv,
fu.fundname, f.firmname, f.location
FROM companybasecore AS c
INNER JOIN roundline1 AS r ON c.coname = r.coname AND c.statecode = r.statecode AND c.datefirstinv = r.datefirstinv
INNER JOIN fundbasecore AS fu ON fu.fundname = r.fundname
INNER JOIN firmbasecore AS f ON f.firmname = fu.firmname
WHERE fu.firmname != 'Undisclosed Firm';
Now count the distinct firms, funds and portcokeys
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT firmname) FROM fundbasefirmbaseroundlinegoodkeys;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT fundname) FROM fundbasefirmbaseroundlinegoodkeys;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT coname, statecode, datefirstinv FROM fundbasefirmbaseroundlinegoodkeys) as gfoo;
You can see that there are many keys that do not exist in the other datasets.
==Redoing the companybase with the new SDC company data==
Since we did another pull in SDC to get the correct city and addresses. We need to update the companybasecore table which means we need to clean the new companybase. Then this will recreate the roundplus and roundlevel outputs.
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT coname, statecode, datefirstinv FROM sdccompanybase)a;
FROM (SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv FROM sdccompanybase)a;
DROP TABLE sdccompanybase1;
CREATE TABLE sdccompanybase1 AS
WHEN nationcode = 'US' THEN 1::int
ELSE 0::int
END AS alwaysusflag,
WHEN coname = 'Undisclosed Company' THEN 1::int
ELSE 0::int
END AS undisclosedflag
FROM sdccompanybase;
FROM (SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv FROM sdccompanybase1 WHERE alwaysusflag = 1 AND undisclosedflag = 0)a;
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT coname, statecode, datefirstinv FROM sdccompanybase1 WHERE alwaysusflag = 1 AND undisclosedflag = 0)a;
DROP TABLE sdccompanybasecore;
CREATE TABLE sdccompanybasecore AS
FROM sdccompanybase1 WHERE nationcode = 'US' AND undisclosedflag=0;
FROM (SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv FROM sdccompanybasecore)a;
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT coname, statecode, datefirstinv FROM sdccompanybasecore)a;
DROP TABLE roundplus;
SELECT roundcore.*,, seedflag, earlyflag, laterflag, growthflag, transactionflag, excludeflag,
CASE WHEN roundcore.datefirstinv=roundcore.rounddate THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END as dealflag,
CASE WHEN SELFlagbase.coname IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS hadgrowthvc,
extract(year from roundcore.rounddate) as roundyear,
CASE WHEN rndamtdisck IS NOT NULL THEN rndamtdisck/1000 WHEN rndamtdisck IS NULL AND rndamtestk IS NOT NULL THEN rndamtestk/1000 ELSE
NULL::real END as roundamtm
FROM roundcore
LEFT JOIN SelFlagBase ON SelFlagBase.coname=roundcore.coname AND SelFlagBase.statecode=roundcore.statecode AND
LEFT JOIN stageflags ON stageflags.coname=roundcore.coname AND stageflags.statecode=roundcore.statecode AND
stageflags.datefirstinv=roundcore.datefirstinv AND stageflags.rounddate=roundcore.rounddate
LEFT JOIN sdccompanybasecore AS c ON c.coname = roundcore.coname AND c.statecode = roundcore.statecode AND c.datefirstinv =
DROP TABLE roundleveloutput;
CREATE TABLE roundleveloutput AS
SELECT city, statecode, roundyear as year,
sum(roundamtm*seedflag) AS seedamtm,
sum(roundamtm*earlyflag) AS earlyamtm,
sum(roundamtm*laterflag) AS lateramtm,
sum(roundamtm*growthflag) AS selamtm,
sum(seedflag) AS numseeds,
sum(earlyflag) AS numearly,
sum(laterflag) AS numlater,
sum(growthflag) AS numsel,
sum(dealflag) AS numdeals
FROM roundplus WHERE hadgrowthvc=1 GROUP BY city, statecode, roundyear ORDER BY city, statecode, roundyear;
DROP TABLE roundleveloutput2;
CREATE TABLE roundleveloutput2 AS
SELECT roundleveloutput.*, numalive
FROM roundleveloutput
LEFT JOIN alivecount ON AND alivecount.statecode=roundleveloutput.statecode AND
\COPY roundleveloutput2 TO 'roundleveloutput2.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
===Creating a PortCoMaster Table===
Using '''sdccompanybasecore2''' as a base table, Ed created a useful PortCoMasterTable. This table isn't perfect:
*sdccompanybasecore2 was drawn later and has 44966. It has fixed addresses (without copy down mistakes)
*The other tables - PortCoDeadAliveMaster, PortCoExitMaster, and PortCoFlagMaster - are built off slightly earlier draws and so have 44740 records
-The other tables are all keyed by coname, statecode and datefirstinv.
DROP TABLE PortCoMaster;
B.deaddate, B.aliveyear, B.deadyear,
C.ipoflag, C.maflag, C.exitflag, C.exitvaluem,
D.hadgrowth, D.numgrowth, D.hadseed, D.numseed, D.hadearly, D.numearly, D.hadlater, D.numlater, D.hadtrans,
D.numtrans, D.hadexcl, D.numexcl, D.haddeal, D.numrounds, D.totalinvestors
FROM sdccompanybasecore2 AS A
LEFT JOIN PortCoDeadAliveMaster AS B ON A.coname=B.coname AND A.statecode=B.statecode AND
LEFT JOIN PortCoExitMaster AS C ON A.coname=C.coname AND A.statecode=C.statecode AND A.datefirstinv=C.datefirstinv
LEFT JOIN PortCoFlagMaster AS D ON A.coname=D.coname AND A.statecode=D.statecode AND A.datefirstinv=D.datefirstinv;
\COPY PortCoMaster TO 'PortCoMaster.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
==Cleaning roundline==
Add a flag for undisclosed funds.
DROP TABLE roundline1;
CREATE TABLE roundline1 AS
WHEN fundname = 'Undisclosed Fund' THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int
END AS undisclosedflag
FROM roundline;

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