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title = {Zotero {Quick} {Start} {Guide}},
url = {},
title = {The {Dilemma} of {Growth}: {Understanding} {Venture} {Size} {Choices} of {Women} {Entrepreneurs}},
volume = {44},
title = {Examining {Venture}-related {Myths} {Concerning} {Women} {Entrepreneurs}},
volume = {9},
title = {The role of social capital and gender in linking financial suppliers and entrepreneurial firms: {A} framework for future research},
volume = {4},
title = {Management in {Women}-{Owned} {Enterprises}},
volume = {24},
title = {The use of bootstrapping by women entrepreneurs in positioning for growth},
volume = {8},
title = {The ambitious entrepreneur: {High} growth strategies of women-owned enterprises},
volume = {16},
title = {Advancing a {Framework} for {Coherent} {Research} on {Women}'s {Entrepreneurship}},
volume = {31},
title = {Exploration of the {Venture} {Capital} {Industry}: {Is} {Gender} an {Issue}?},
shorttitle = {Exploration of the {Venture} {Capital} {Industry}},
title = {Women entrepreneurs and venture capital: managing the shadow negotiation},
volume = {1},
title = {Venture {Capital} and {Underserved} {Communities}},
volume = {45},
title = {Entrepreneurial network composition: {An} analysis across venture development stage and gender},
volume = {22},

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