LBO Data Description
This page is included in the project Leveraged Buyout Innovation (Academic Paper)
Work Scripts
- E:\McNair\Projects\LBO\LBO academic paper script pre compustat
- E:\McNair\Projects\LBO\LBO academic paper script post compustat
- E:\McNair\Projects\LBO\STATAdatasetup2
- E:\McNair\Projects\LBO\STATAanalysis
Work Description
LBO Data and Patent Data
See script for exact work.
- Get the source file for the LBOs
Original data source
- Clean it up
Names of LBO's/deal numbers with extraneous symbols and words removed
- Match it against itself
Original matched dataE:\McNair\Projects\LBO\LBO_cleaned_data_duplicates_removed
- Get the patent data
- Draw the distinct assignees
- Match them against themselves
- Load the LBO data into a dbase
- match the LBO data to the patent data
Z:\allpatentsprocessed\LBO Patent matched
- Note - all data in allpatentsprocessed database
- access it by logging on to
researcher@McNair DBServ:/bulk/allpatentsprocessed
- Join patent data to assignee data, creating firstjoin_cleaned. firstjoin_cleaned shows organization names of assignees from the patent data and their patent numbers
- again, just look inside database
- join firstjoin_cleaned to matchassignees data, creating secondjoin_cleaned. secondjoin_cleaned shows standardized organization names, organization names, and patent numbers
- join secondjoin_cleaned to lbopatentmatch data, creating thirdjoin_cleaned. thirdjoin_cleaned shows LBO's names, standardized organization names, and their patent numbers in order to show lbo's that had patents
- a text file of the final copy can be found here
Z:\allpatentsprocessed\LBO Patent Data Joined
- create table lbopatentinfo showing lbo names, patent numbers, and grant dates of the patents
- use lbopatentinfo to create table lbopatentsummary to show lbo names, amount of patents they have, minimum grant date years, maximum grant date years, and average grant date years
- import lbo data matched against itself into table(lbodistinct), then use that table and lbopatentsummary to create to create lbofinal. lbofinal then shows distinct lbonames, number of patents, minimum grant year, maximum grant year, and average grant year
- use lbofinal to create lboreallyfinal. lboreallyfinal is the same as lbofinal but with null space in number of patents replaced with 0
- After getting lboreallyfinal, create a table with all of its columns in addition to the lbo deal numbers, and whether it was public to private or private to private in the following steps
- import LBOcleaneddata.txt into table dealnumbxcleannames. it will have the deal numbers and cleaned original lbo names (duplicates not removed)
- import Originallbomatch.txt into table lbonamesxcleannames. it will have the matched standardized lbo names and the cleaned original lbo names
- join those two tables together to reach the standardized lbo names with the deal numbers in table lbonamesxdealnumb, and create a column that says whether the deal was public to private or private to private in the table lboxpriv
- join lbo_list_and_data and lbopatentmatch together using lboxpriv as a go between. this provides a reference in case we want to join using stdorgname to the patent database
- join lbo_list_and_data and lboreallyfinal together using lboxpriv as a go between. this is the final table it can be found in the following folder under the name lbopatentsreallyfinal
E:\McNair\Projects\LBO\Data Sets
Introduction of Compustat and Preparation for Stata
See script for exact work.
- Create table sdc with SDC data imported from the initial LBO data.
- Create table LBOCOMPUSTAT4 with Compustat data imported.
- Note: There were 3 prior Compustat pulls. The 1st is used to create several cross reference tables that are not made obsolete by the subsequent pulls.
- Create table dealnumbxgvkey selecting deal numbers and gvkeys from table sdc.
- Create table compustatnamematch with compustat names matched against themselves imported
- Create table stdcompnamestdorgnamematched with standardized compustat names matched against stdorgname
- Create table stdcompnamepatentjoin with variables standardized compustat names and patent numbers
- Create table compustatpatentinfo with variables standardized compustat names, patent numbers, and grant dates
- Create table stdcompnamexgvkeycleaned with variables standardized compustat names and gvkeys
- Create table ALLGVKey with all distinct gvkeys from stdcompnamexgvkeycleaned
- Create table AllYears with all years from 1970 to 2016
- Create table KeysXYears with variables gvkey and year. Each gvkey corresponds to 47 years.
- Create table keysxyearsxstdcompname with variables gvkeys, years, and standardized compustat names
- Create table compupatentyearsummary with variables standardized compustat names, gvkeys, years, and number of patents per year
- Create table dealnumbxgvkeyxlboyeartemp with variables deal numbers, gvkeys, LBO years, and exit years
- Create table dealnumbxgvkeyxlboyear with variables deal numbers, gvkeys, lbo years, exit years, entry year 1, entry year 2, exit year 1, and exit year 2
- Create table compupatentlboyearsummary with variables standard compustat names, gvkeys, years, number of patents per year, and lbo entries/exits in each year
- Create table statastaging with all variables from compupatentlboyearsummary in addition to all the pulled compustat variables
- Create table sicnaicsconversion with sic codes and naics codes as a conversion table for adding naics that correspond to the sic codes in blank rows
- Create table statastagingnew with two extra columns, concordsic and concordnaics, then export to stata
Stata Work
Regressions & Tables
The following is a summary of our variables intended for use in a Cox Proportional Hazards Regression as well as one regression.
E:\McNair\Projects\LBO\Saved STATA Tables.txt
Compustat Variables
Company Name
Ticker Symbol
Stock Exchange Code
Fiscal Year-End
ADDZIP -- Postal Code
CITY -- City
IPODATE -- Company Initial Public Offering Date
LOC -- Current ISO Country Code - Headquarters
NAICS -- North American Industry Classification Code
SIC -- Standard Industry Classification Code
STATE -- State/Province
FYEAR -- Data Year - Fiscal
ACT -- Current Assets - Total
ARTFS -- Accounts Receivable/Debtors - Total
AT -- Assets - Total
CEQ -- Common/Ordinary Equity - Total
CHE -- Cash and Short-Term Investments
DLC -- Debt in Current Liabilities - Total
DLTT -- Long-Term Debt - Total
LCT -- Current Liabilities - Total
LT -- Liabilities - Total
TXDITC -- Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit
EBITDA -- Earnings Before Interest
NI -- Net Income (Loss)
OIBDP -- Operating Income Before Depreciation
OPITI -- Operating Income - Total
REVT -- Revenue - Total
SALE -- Sales/Turnover (Net)
TXT -- Income Taxes - Total
XINT -- Interest and Related Expense - Total
XRD -- Research and Development Expense
CDVC -- Cash Dividends on Common Stock (Cash Flow)
ESUBC -- Equity in Net Loss Earnings
IBC -- Income Before Extraordinary Items (Cash Flow)
PDVC -- Cash Dividends on Preferred/Preference Stock (Cash Flow)
XIDOC -- Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations (Cash Flow)
DT -- Total Debt Including Current
PRCC_F -- Price Close - Annual - Fiscal
XSTFWS -- Staff Expense - Wages and Salaries
EMP -- Employees
CSHO -- Common Shares Outstanding
XSGA -- Selling, General and Administrative Expense
INTAN -- Intangible Assets - Total
RE -- Retained Earnings
WRDS USER: mcnair WRDS PASS: 9Mil2015 - Variables that private equity firms examine to decide whether or not to lbo