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Note***: ''Events include meetups, workshops, info sessions etc. We do not want to count them separately since it is difficult to do so. Most companies put all the events on the same section and do not put event types in the titles of the events. We have to look into the details of the events to find out the type and even we do so some events descriptions do not allow us to determine the type easily. Differentiating the types of the events demands more time and effort and therefore is not suitable to be a mechanical turk project.''
 *'''NonprofitOnsite Mentors'''#Search the company name along with its city/state in a search engine#Click on the result that looks like the company website#Go to links that describe the company, usually they are labelled: 'About'UPDATE: written, 'Our Storynot published,on amazon' 'Mission'#Look for the key word 'nonprofit'/'non-profit'#If 'nonprofit' is identified, mark as 1, otherwise 0. *'''Onsite Mentors's mechanical turk site''
#Go to the company's website
#Look for links related to mentorship such as 'mentors', 'mentorship' or 'mentoring programs'
#If there is no mention of mentorship in these sections, type the company, city, and 'mentoring' into a search engine. If a link to a reliable website (such as Desktime) appears and mentorship can be found in the description, mark as 1.
#If none of these steps result in a mark of 1, mark as 0
#Search the company name along with its city/state in a search engine
#Click on the result that looks like the company website
#Go to links that describe the company, usually they are labelled: 'About', 'Our Story,' 'Mission'
#Look for the key word 'nonprofit'/'non-profit'
#If 'nonprofit' is identified, mark as 1, otherwise 0.
*'''Sponsors and Partners'''


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