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440 bytes added ,  19:46, 5 January 2021
===Create the keys===
Standardize company names using Hall normalization without a fuzzy algorithm (see [[The Matcher (Tool)]]) and matching them to themselves for PortCos, M&As, IPOs. Then create '''It is crucial that the self-matches are made using mode=2, or you won't select a stdname and will generate duplicate entries (from the stdname permutations.''' perl .\ -mode=2 -file1="DistinctConame.txt" -file2="DistinctConame.txt" The keys for each table as follows:
*PortCo: Coname, statecode, datefirstinv
*M&A (private targets): targetname, statecode, announceddate
*IPOs: issuer, statecode, issuedate
*Fund: Fundname
*Firm: Firmname
Note that when normalizing Fundexecs use fundname, fundyear as the foreign keys. Generally, do not copy down keys unless they are foreign and blank in the source file.

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