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==CUDA and Python==
There's lots of different Ways to use GPUs with Python. Here's a partial list:
Tensors are matrices with a uniform type. Read all about them and tensorflow here: The highlights are:
*Use it as a library in python, importing methods.
*It plays well with NumPy!
*It sits on top of Keras, allowing custom ANN development.
*Tensorflow has both low level methods (e.g., tf.variable, tf.math, tf.GradientTape.jacobian, etc.) and pre-built estimators (e.g., tf.estimator.LinearClassifier) .
*Crucially, tensorflow lets users build graphs and tf.functions that exist and persist beyond the python interpreter (analogous to kernels)
*You can define custom models and layers for machine learning
CuPy is a NumPy-compatible array library (it's really a 'drop-in' replacement) accelerated by CUDA:
*It leverages CUDA-related libraries including cuBLAS, cuDNN, cuRand, cuSolver, cuSPARSE, cuFFT and NCCL
*Lets users build elementwise or reduction kernels, or raw kernels that are defined using raw CUDA source
Numba translates python functions to optimized machine code at runtime:
*Define threads, grids, and blocks and manage them with 'facilities like those exposed by CUDA C'.
*Doesn't work with NumPy because of memory management issues.
PyCUDA is a wrapper of CUDA's API for python:
*Essentially gives you access to CUDA's methods, and handles memory allocation and cleanup.
*Doesn't work with CUBLAS. PyCuda is based on the CUDA driver API, which is mutually exclusive with the CUDA runtime API (used by CUBLAS).
*Does reimplement a part of CUBLAS as GPUArray.
*Works with NumPy.
===Other options===
There's also PyOpenCL (another wrapper but of OpenCL instead), and likely some other things that I have forgotten about.
==Other things==
The NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 7.5 is available for free on Amazon Linux:
When developing CUDA code you'll want (both are installed as a part of the CUDA Software Development Kit):
*Nvidia Nsight Eclipse Edition for C/C++
*Nvidia Visual Profiler
There's a (probably pretty bad) book which has chapters on working with CUDA in python:
You'll likely want to write your python in an IDE that supports your CUDA development. It looks like PyCharm CE will work with an environment: But if we use a docker container, then we'll need the PyCharm PE or Visual Studio (which should work fine with Python): Visual Studio looks like it allows remote development, using either docker containers or ssh, which might be very nice! I'm not sure whether PyCharm CE has this feature, though PE does:
If you want to use Matlab then Garland's GPU workshop is a good place to start:

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