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Created page with "This page records how to load/use the Harvard Dataverse. ==Getting the data== Where we get the Harvard Dataverse data: ["
This page records how to load/use the Harvard Dataverse.

==Getting the data==

Where we get the Harvard Dataverse data:
[ Harvard Dataverse]

For more information about the patent data:
[[Patent Data]]

To recreate the tables:

1. run createtables.sql

2. run copytables.sql

3. run cleaning db.sql

These scripts are available under /bulk/Software/Database\ Scripts

==Loading the tables into the database==
COPY classes FROM '/tmp/class.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;
COPY assignees FROM '/tmp/assignee.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;
COPY citations FROM '/tmp/citation.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;
COPY inventors FROM '/tmp/inventor.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;
COPY patents FROM '/tmp/patent.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;
COPY patdescs FROM '/tmp/patdesc.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;
COPY lawyers FROM '/tmp/lawyer.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;
COPY scirefs FROM '/tmp/sciref.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;
COPY usreldocs FROM '/tmp/usreldoc.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;
COPY invpats FROM '/tmp/invpat.csv' DELIMITER ',' NULL '' CSV;

==Accessing the dbase==

On the database server, the entire Harvard Dataverse for Patent Data is downloaded in directory


The files have been processed to be used for the create table scripts I have created to load the Harvard Dataverse database into our own psql database.

These preprocessed files are available under

The database I have created for the Patent Data from 1975-2010 is called patent data. After logging in to researcher@, you can get access to the database by
psql patentdata

You can see a list of the tables inside the patent database by
patentdata=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | assignees | table | researcher
public | citations | table | researcher
public | classes | table | researcher
public | inventors | table | researcher
public | invpat | table | researcher
public | lawyers | table | researcher
public | patdesc | table | researcher
public | patents | table | researcher
public | scirefs | table | researcher
public | usreldocs | table | researcher
(10 rows)

You can select from the database, for example, by
patentdata=# SELECT * FROM CLASSES WHERE patent='03930270';
patent | prim | class | subclass
03930270 | 1 | 360 | 130.24
03930270 | 0 | 360 | 84
03930270 | 0 | 360 | 271.8
03930270 | 0 | G9B | 15.08
(4 rows)

Or, do a join:

patentdata=# SELECT * FROM inventors AS i, classes AS c WHERE i.Patent=c.Patent AND i.Patent='03930270';

patent | firstname | lastname | street | city | state | country | zipcode | nationality | invseq | patent | prim | class | subclass
03930270 | YOSHINORI | YAMAZOE | | OSAKA | | JP | | | 3 | 03930270 | 1 | 360 | 130.24
03930270 | YOSHINORI | YAMAZOE | | OSAKA | | JP | | | 3 | 03930270 | 0 | 360 | 84
03930270 | YOSHINORI | YAMAZOE | | OSAKA | | JP | | | 3 | 03930270 | 0 | 360 | 271.8
03930270 | YOSHINORI | YAMAZOE | | OSAKA | | JP | | | 3 | 03930270 | 0 | G9B | 15.08
03930270 | CHIHIRO | NAKAMURA | | MORIGUCHI | | JP | | | 4 | 03930270 | 1 | 360 | 130.24
03930270 | CHIHIRO | NAKAMURA | | MORIGUCHI | | JP | | | 4 | 03930270 | 0 | 360 | 84
03930270 | CHIHIRO | NAKAMURA | | MORIGUCHI | | JP | | | 4 | 03930270 | 0 | 360 | 271.8
03930270 | CHIHIRO | NAKAMURA | | MORIGUCHI | | JP | | | 4 | 03930270 | 0 | G9B | 15.08
03930270 | SATOSHI | KIKUYA | | KADOMA | | JP | | | 2 | 03930270 | 1 | 360 | 130.24
03930270 | SATOSHI | KIKUYA | | KADOMA | | JP | | | 2 | 03930270 | 0 | 360 | 84
03930270 | SATOSHI | KIKUYA | | KADOMA | | JP | | | 2 | 03930270 | 0 | 360 | 271.8
03930270 | SATOSHI | KIKUYA | | KADOMA | | JP | | | 2 | 03930270 | 0 | G9B | 15.08
03930270 | SHIZUHIKO | TANIGAWA | | MORIGUCHI | | JP | | | 1 | 03930270 | 1 | 360 | 130.24
03930270 | SHIZUHIKO | TANIGAWA | | MORIGUCHI | | JP | | | 1 | 03930270 | 0 | 360 | 84
03930270 | SHIZUHIKO | TANIGAWA | | MORIGUCHI | | JP | | | 1 | 03930270 | 0 | 360 | 271.8
03930270 | SHIZUHIKO | TANIGAWA | | MORIGUCHI | | JP | | | 1 | 03930270 | 0 | G9B | 15.08
(16 rows)

The schema I used for this database is documented at the bottom of this page.

And this is also saved as a .sql script under
/bulk/Software/Database\ Scripts/createtables.sql

A corresponding Drop table scripts is also available at
/bulk/Software/Database\ Scripts/droptables.sql

==Converting DataTypes==

Method 1: Explicit recast
CAST function

Method 2: implicit recast
SELECT varname::type

Method 3: through a language
if ($_[0]) {
if ($_[0] =~ m/^\d+$/) {
return $_[0];
} else {
return -1;
return undef;
$$ LANGUAGE plperl;

The scripts for cleaning up the tables are available under /Database\ Scripts/cleaning\ db.sql

==Creating the tables==

The following is the schema for the 10 tables in this database:

I have cleaned up and fixed the types for the the following tables:

CREATE TABLE patents (
Patent integer,
Kind varchar, #only types NULL, A1, B1, B2
Claims integer,
AppType integer, #int ( 29 is design
AppNum integer,
GDate date,
GYear integer,
AppDate date,
AppYear integer

CREATE TABLE classes (
Patent integer
Prim integer,
Class varchar,
Subclass varchar

CREATE TABLE assignees (
Patent integer,
AsgType integer,
Assignee varchar,
City varchar,
State varchar,
Country varchar,
Nationality varchar,
Residence varchar,
AsgSeq integer

CREATE TABLE citations (
Patent integer,
Cit_Date date,
Cit_Name varchar,
Cit_Kind varchar,
Cit_Country varchar,
Citation integer,
Category varchar,
CitSeq integer

CREATE TABLE inventors (
Patent integer,
Firstname varchar,
Lastname varchar,
Street varchar,
City varchar,
State varchar,
Country varchar,
Zipcode varchar, #??
Nationality varchar,
InvSeq integer

CREATE TABLE patdesc (
Patent integer,
Abstract varchar,
Title varchar

CREATE TABLE lawyers (
Patent integer,
Firstname varchar,
Lastname varchar,
LawCountry varchar,
OrgName varchar,
LawSeq integer

CREATE TABLE scirefs (
Patent integer,
Descrip varchar,
CitSeq integer

CREATE TABLE usreldocs (
Patent integer,
DocType varchar,
OrderSeq integer,
Country varchar,
RelPatent varchar,
Kind varchar,
RelDate date,
Status varchar

CREATE TABLE invpats (
Firstname varchar,
Lastname varchar,
Street varchar,
City varchar,
State varchar,
Country varchar,
Zipcode integer,
Lat double precision,
Lon double precision,
InvSeq integer,
Patent integer,
GYear integer,
AppYear integer,
AppDate date,
Assignee varchar,
AsgNum varchar,
Class varchar,
InvNum varchar,
Low varchar,
Up varchar

==Some statistics for the Patent table==
SELECT gyear, COUNT(*) FROM patents GROUP BY gyear ORDER BY gyear;
gyear | count
1975 | 72000
1976 | 70226
1977 | 65269
1978 | 66102
1979 | 48854
1980 | 61819
1981 | 65771
1982 | 57888
1983 | 56860
1984 | 67200
1985 | 71661
1986 | 70860
1987 | 82952
1988 | 77924
1989 | 95537
1990 | 90364
1991 | 96513
1992 | 97444
1993 | 98342
1994 | 101676
1995 | 101419
1996 | 109645
1997 | 111984
1998 | 147574
1999 | 153593
2000 | 157596
2001 | 166065
2002 | 167424
2003 | 169105
2004 | 164413
2005 | 143927
2006 | 173922
2007 | 157502
2008 | 157894
2009 | 167537
2010 | 219909
(36 rows)

SELECT appyear, COUNT(*) FROM patents GROUP BY appyear ORDER BY appyear;
appyear | count
1901 | 3
1902 | 1
1903 | 4
1904 | 4
1905 | 1
1908 | 1
1909 | 1
1915 | 1
1918 | 1
1921 | 1
1922 | 1
1925 | 1
1929 | 1
1930 | 2
1931 | 2
1933 | 1
1936 | 2
1938 | 4
1939 | 1
1940 | 3
1941 | 3
1942 | 1
1943 | 4
1944 | 19
1945 | 18
1946 | 11
1947 | 4
1948 | 8
1949 | 10
1950 | 9
1951 | 11
1952 | 17
1953 | 12
1954 | 30
1955 | 33
1956 | 33
1957 | 32
1958 | 39
1959 | 56
1960 | 73
1961 | 85
1962 | 111
1963 | 110
1964 | 147
1965 | 167
1966 | 193
1967 | 230
1968 | 337
1969 | 584
1970 | 1161
1971 | 2658
1972 | 9418
1973 | 41655
1974 | 65683
1975 | 65902
1976 | 65813
1977 | 65999
1978 | 65613
1979 | 65729
1980 | 66500
1981 | 63930
1982 | 65029
1983 | 61578
1984 | 67085
1985 | 71463
1986 | 75108
1987 | 81499
1988 | 90178
1989 | 96139
1990 | 99372
1991 | 100262
1992 | 103926
1993 | 108346
1994 | 123358
1995 | 144655
1996 | 144864
1997 | 169578
1998 | 168471
1999 | 180655
2000 | 196639
2001 | 208908
2002 | 206229
2003 | 191514
2004 | 181840
2005 | 166524
2006 | 139318
2007 | 97911
2008 | 48539
2009 | 12245
2010 | 1052
| 2
(91 rows)

patentdata=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM patents;
(1 row)

patentdata=# SELECT kind, COUNT(*) FROM patents GROUP BY kind ORDER BY kind;
kind | count
| 2302931
A1 | 1
B1 | 561885
B2 | 1119954
(4 rows)

SELECT p.patent, COUNT(c.patent) AS numcited FROM patents AS p, CITATIONS AS c where p.patent=c.citation GROUP BY p.patent ORDER BY numcited DESC;
patent | numcited
4683202 | 1992
4723129 | 1935
4683195 | 1814
4463359 | 1676
4740796 | 1638
4558333 | 1558
4345262 | 1537
4313124 | 1504
4459600 | 1461
4733665 | 1286
5103459 | 1118
5572643 | 1018
4901307 | 959
5143854 | 924
5523520 | 918
5643826 | 883
4655771 | 861
4340563 | 808
5742905 | 792
5892900 | 780
4799156 | 771
4816567 | 751
5172338 | 749
4886062 | 745
4776337 | 744
4965188 | 742
4800882 | 726
4580568 | 706
5710887 | 697
4665906 | 697
3953566 | 681
5056109 | 678
4405829 | 666
4739762 | 665
4503569 | 662
4608577 | 659
4179337 | 642
5794207 | 636
5064435 | 635
5530852 | 630
5272236 | 629
4100324 | 625
5708780 | 623
5608786 | 620
5109390 | 618
5715314 | 616
5923962 | 610
5101501 | 608
5774660 | 607
4908112 | 607

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