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This section presents some definitions of social entrepreneurship based on the academic works of experts in the field.
[[ The Case of Definition by Roger L. Martin & Sally Osberg, Stanford Social Innovation Review
Entrepreneurship can be defined as activity that permanently moves a market from an undesirable equilibrium to a new, more efficient equilibrium. Similarly, social entrepreneurship can be defined as socially conscious activity that permanently moves an equilibrium.
"Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank and father of microcredit, provides a classic example of social entrepreneurship. The stable but unfortunate equilibrium he identified consisted of poor Bangladeshis’ limited options for securing even the tiniest amounts of credit. Unable to qualify for loans through the formal banking system, they could borrow only by accepting exorbitant interest rates from local moneylenders. More commonly, they simply succumbed to begging on the streets...Yunus confronted the system, proving that the poor were extremely good credit risks by lending thenow famous sum of $27 from his own pocket to 42 women from the village of Jobra. The women repaid all of the loan. Yunus found that with even tiny amounts of capital, women invested in their own capacity for generating income. With a sewing machine, for example, women could tailor garments, earning enough to pay back the loan, buy food, educate their children, and lift themselves up from poverty. Grameen Bank sustained itself by charging interest on its loans and then recycling the capital to help other women. Yunus brought inspiration, creativity, direct action, courage, and fortitude to his venture, proved its viability, and over two decades spawned a global network of other organizations that replicated or adapted his model to other countries and cultures, firmly establishing microcredit as a worldwide industry."
title={The meaning of social entrepreneurship},
author={Dees, J Gregory and others},
publisher={Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership}
== Relevant Readings ==
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