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==Process Notes for Calculating Incubator Scores==
Two new files were generated from the '''crunchbase3''' dbase as follows:
\COPY (SELECT uuid, company_name, short_description FROM Organizations WHERE country_code='USA' AND short_description LIKE '%incubat%') TO 'CrunchbaseShortOrgDescsUSAIncubat.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
\COPY (SELECT A.uuid, A.company_name, B.description FROM Organizations AS A JOIN organization_descriptions AS B on A.uuid=B.uuid WHERE country_code='USA' AND description LIKE '%incubat%') TO 'CrunchbaseLongOrgDescsUSAIncub.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
These files were put in E:\projects\crunchbase3.
1. New file - Renamed E:\projects\crunchbase3\organizations as E:\projects\crunchbase3\organizations_OnlyIncubators_PlusIncubatorScores

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