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Ed installed the following during the build:
*ActiveState Perl 5.26.3
*Anaconda 3 -- Python 3.6 (installed with CUDA?)
*ArcGIS Desktop (instructions at
*ArcGIS Reader (ESU196456098)
**Python 2.7 (installed with ArcGIS)
*CUDA 10.1
*Google Chrome
*Matlab 2018a (instructions at
*Office 2019
*Python 2.7 (installed with ArcGIS)
*STATA 15MP (24 core, network edition, 2 licenses)
*SDC Platinum
*Textpad 8
*Visual Studio 2018 Community Edition
**Anaconda 3 -- Python 3.6 (installed with Microsoft Visual Studio)
==Additional Configuration==
Perl needed no additional configuration.

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