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*Terms of joining - terms of joining accelerator and important details about program
*Equity ? (1/0) - cells contain a 1 if the accelerator take equity, a 0 if an accelerator definitively does not, and is blank if we could not find that information
*Equity Amount - the % of equity the accelerator will take (can sometimes be a range (eg. 5-7%))
*Equity Amount Normalized - this copies the previous column but only keeps %>0, and if a range was given (e.g. 5-7%) it returns the average (e.g. 6%)*Investment Amount - the $ the accelerator invests in a company to begin, if relevant (also could be a range or a "up to $######")*Investment Notes - anything to comment on previous 4 columns*These five variables tell us more about the characteristics of accelerators; specifically, which ones take equity and which ones do not, and how much equity accelerators take.
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