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* patent_number (varchar(255)) unique identifier for the patent from the UPSTO office, can contain letters hence varchar
* parent_doc_status (varchar(255)) status of the parent documentapplication. It is unclear Probably related to whether this refers to a parent reissue application (if there happen to be multiple applications relating to the reissue of this patent) application is pending or the patent for whom the reissue is being reissued. This goes for all fields beginning "parent_doc"not* parent_doc_number (int) probably application number for the parent document
* parent_doc_id (varchar(255)) it is unclear how this is different from parent document number. In the xpaths, the path will be something like ./parent_doc/document-id/doc-number, so it's possible it's not actually different from the document number and rather just a broader category.
* parent_doc_kind (varchar(255)) this may actually denote what the "parent document" is - I will need or may refer to look it's purpose (i.e. reissue, continuation, continuation-in an actually XML file to see what these field looks like-part, etc.)* parent_doc_country (varchar(255)) the country of origin of the parent document* parent_doc_date (date) probably the date the parent document was published In addition to parent document, there is a subcategory that has the same fields (minus status) called parent_grant_document. This is probably a patent that has been granted, given that the field names includes grant, but I am not sure. Again, I am not sure of what all of these fields representfiled* parent_grant_doc_number (int) probably application number for the parent grant document
* parent_grant_doc_id (varchar(255)) it is unclear how this is different from parent grant document number. In the xpaths, the path will be something like ./parent_doc/parent-grant-doc/document-id/doc-number, so it's possible it's not actually different from the document number and rather just a broader category.
* parent_grant_doc_kind (varchar(255)) this may actually denote what the "parent grant document" is , or may refer to it's purpose (i.e. reissue, continuation, continuation- I will need to look in an actually XML file to see what these field looks like-part, etc.)* parent_grant_doc_country (varchar(255)) the country of origin of the parent grant document* parent_grant_doc_date (date) probably the date the parent grant document was publishedfiled* child_doc_number

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