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This script executes the linkedin recruiter crawler. At the top of the file, just below the imports, are three fields: username, password, and query_filepath. The username and password fields are for the desired recruiter pro account you would like to log into, and query_filepath is a pathname to a text file that contains a list of properly formatted queries that can be read by the LinkedIn Crawler's simple_search method. The following are the functions listed in the script. ===main()===This function runs the LinkedIn Crawler and will automatically begin when called from the command line. If you only want to go through some of the queries, you can change the range of the splice in line 32, and if you wish to only look at a certain number of search results, you can change the range of the splice in line 40. ===open_new_window(driver, element)===This function does a shift click on a web element to open the link in a new window. It then changes the window handler to the new window. This method makes it simple to view search results and close them in a quick manner. ===close_window_and_return(driver)===This function closes the current window, and returns to the main window. It is used in conjunction with open_new_window() to view search results and close them in an iterative manner. ===close_tab(driver)===When necessary, this function is used to close the current tab and return to the main tab. It is similar to close_window_and_return(). This function is used to log out of the account.

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