Twitter Webcrawler (Tool)

Revision as of 17:54, 15 July 2016 by GunnyLiu (talk | contribs)
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McNair Project
Twitter Webcrawler (Tool)
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Project Information
Project Title
Start Date
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Notes: The Twitter Webcrawler, in its alpha version, is an expedition project involving the Twittwer API in search of a sustainable and scale-able way to excavate retweet-retweeter, favorited-favoriter following-follower relationships in the entrepreneurship Tweet-o-sphere. On the same beat, we also seek to document tweeting activities/timelines of important twitters in the same Tweet-o-sphere.

Input: Twitter database

Output: Local database documenting important timelines and relationships in the entrepreneurship Tweet-o-sphere.

Development Notes

7/11: Project start

  • Dan wanted:
Capture 15.PNG
  • First-take on Twitter API Overview
    • Cumbersome API that is not directly accessible/requires great deal of configuration if one chooses to leverage e.g. import requests library.
      • Turns out Twitter has a long controversial history wrt third-party development. There is no clean canonical interface to access its database.
      • DO NOT attempt to access Twitter API through canonical documented methods - huge waste of time
      • Obsolete authentication process documented - do not be use canonical documentation for Oauth procedure
  • Instead, DO USE third-party developed python interfaces such as python-twitter by bear - highly recommended in hindsight
    • Follow python-twitter's documented methods for authentication
    • The twitter account that I am using is shortname: BIPPMcNair and password: amount
      • One can obtain the consumer key, consumer secret, access key and access secret through accessing the dev portal using the account and tapping TOOLS > Manage Your Apps in the footer bar of the portal.
    • There is no direct access to Twitter database through http://, as before, so expect to do all processing in a py dev environment.

7/12: Grasping API

  • The python-twitter library is extremely intricate and well-synchronized
    • All queries are to be launched through a twitter.api.Api object, which is produced by the authentication process implemented yesterday
>>> import twitter
>>> api = twitter.Api(consumer_key='consumer_key',
    • Some potentially very useful query methods are:
      • Api.GetUserTimeline(user_id=None, screen_name=None) which returns up to 200 recent tweets of input user. Really nice that twitter database operates on something as simple as screen_name, which is @shortname that is v public and familiar.
      • Api.GetRetweeters(status_id=None) and Api.GetRetweets(status_id=None) which identifies a tweet as a status by its status_id and spits out all the retweets that this particular tweet has undergone.
      • Api.GetFavorites(user_id=None) which seems to satisfy our need for tracking favorited tweets
      • Api.GetFollowers(user_id=None, screen_name=None) and Api.GetFollowerIDs(user_id=None, screen_name=None) which seems to be a good relationship mapping mechanism for esp. the mothernodes tweeters we care about.
    • After retrieving data objects using these query methods, we can understand and process them using instructions from Twitter-python Models Source Code
      • To note that tweets are expressed as Status objects
        • It holds useful parameters such as 'text', 'created_at', 'user', etc
        • They can be retrieved by classical object expressions such as Status.created_at
      • To note that users are expressed as User objects
      • Best part? All these objects inherit .Api methods such as AsJsonString(self) and AsDict(self) so that we can read and write them as JSON or DICT objects in the py environment

7/13: Full Dev

Documented in-file, as below:

Twitter Webcrawler

  • Summary: Rudimentary (and slightly generalized) webcrawler that queries twitter database with using twitter API. At current stage of development/discussion, user shortname (in twitter, @shortname) is used as the query key, and this script publishes 200 recent tweets of said user in a tab delimited, UTF-8 document, along with the details and social interactions each tweet possesses
  • Input: Twitter database, Shortname string of queried user (@shortname)
  • Output: Local database of queried user's 200 recent tweets, described by the keys "Content", "User", "Created at", "Hashtags", "User Mentions", "Retweet Count", "Retweeted By", "Favorite Count", "Favorited By".
  • Version: 1.0 Alpha
  • Development environment specs: Twitter API, JSON library, twitter-python library, pandas library, Py 2.7, ActiveState Komodo IDE 9.3


  • function I: main driver
    • generate empty table for subsequent building with apt columns
    • iterate through each status object in the obtained data, and fill up the table rows as apt, one row per event
    • and the main processing task being: write table to output file
  • function II: empty table generator
    • modular caus of my unfamiliarity with pandas.DataFrame; modularity enables testing
  • function IV: authenticator + twitter API access interface setup
    • authenticate using our granted consumer keys and access tokens
    • obtains working twitter API object, post-authentication
  • function V: subquery #1
    • iterate through main query object in order to further query for retweeters, i.e. GetRetweeter() and ???
  • function VI: raw data acquisitior
    • grabs raw data of recent tweets using master_working_api object
    • make it json so we can access and manipulate it easily


  • Modular development and unit testing are integral to writing fast, working code. no joke
  • Problems with GetFavorites() method as it only returns the favorited list wrt authenticated use (i.e. BIPPMcNair), not input target user.
  • Query rate limit hit while using subqueries to find the retweeters of every given tweet. Need to mitigate this problem somehow if we were to scale.
  • A tweet looks like this in json:
Capture 16.PNG

7/14: Alpha dev wrap-up