Joe Reilly (Work Log)

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Spring 2017

Joe Reilly Work Logs (log page)

2017-3-26: Added Score column to Accelerator Master Variable List google Doc; began filling in necessary info.

2017-3-19: Filled in part of 'duration' column on Accelerator Master List Doc.

2017-3-9: Created a google doc of the Accelerator master list

2017-3-5: Created "Potential Other "Variables full list" in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Spring 2018\Grouping project of ListOfAccs. Began comprehensive list of all possible variables that could be included using current info in Master Accelerator Variable Master List Project Excel File.

2017-3-2: Fixed errors on Master Accelerator Variable Master List Project in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Spring 2018; created "Potential Other Variables" in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Spring 2018\Grouping project of ListOfAccs.

2017-2-28: Organized and delegated tasks for completion of Accelerator Variable Master List Project among Michelle, Cindy, Yunnie, and me.

[fill in days]

2017-2-23: Accelerator Type Project: researched whether foreign-based accelerators had a significant US presence.

2017--2-16: Accelerator Type Project

2017-2-15: Accelerator type project: wrote instructions, saved as "Instructions for Accelerator type project" in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Spring 2018\Grouping project of ListOfAccs.

2017-2-14: Accelerator type project

2017-2-12: Accelerator type project

2017-2-7: Accelerator type project

2017-2-6: Accelerator Data meeting.

2017-2-1: Accelerator type project

2017-1-31: Accelerator type project

2017-1-29: Accelerator type project

2017-1-24: Continued on Accelerator Type Project. Began process of collecting files through Zotero for future "Gender and MGMT style" lit review page.

2017-1-22: Worked on Accelerator Type Project. See Also see E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Spring 2017\Grouping project of ListOfAccs.

Fall 2017

2017-11-28: Accelerator seed list grouping.

2017-11-21: Accelerator seed list grouping.

2017-11-16: Continued on Accelerator seed list grouping.

2017-11-14: Updated

2017--11-10: Continued on Accelerator seed list grouping.

2017-11-07: Started on Accelerator seed list grouping. See and

2017-11-02: Moved "Cleaned lease data with prices" into E:\McNair\Projects\Innovation Districts\Houston Startup Ecosystem\Files for Geocoding. Did the same for "cleaned sales data with prices". Added a section on the google docs for Houston Innovation District called Office Space for Lease. To measure cost of living (median income in Houston lower than US median), collected CPI data from Bureau of Labor Statistics. See "Median Income" section on Updated work log to new requirements, fixed typos.

2017-10-31: Checked applicants entries for XML project. Corrected google docs for Houston Innovation district. Cleaned lease/sales info in E:\McNair\Projects\Innovation Districts\Houston Startup Ecosystem\Location data. Created cleaned lease data with prices, cleaned sales data with prices. Copied data into "Adresses with more info" in E:\McNair\Projects\Innovation Districts\Houston Startup Ecosystem. Copied "addresses of all Houston crimes 2016" into E:\McNair\Projects\Innovation Districts\Houston Startup Ecosystem\Files for Geocoding.

2017-10-27: cleaned "addresses of all Houston crimes 2016" completely. Made changes on the google docs summarizing our work.

2017-10-26: Continued working on Patent Schema Reconciliation. Added XMLs under citations header. Added 7 XMLs; checked for different types and versions. See See Talk:Houston Innovation District.

2017-10-20: see

2017-10-19: see

2017-10-15: see

2017-10-03: On

  • Added sections:
    • Augusta Incubators section: added, with a list of corporate sponsors. If info if I could find any on how they supported
    • Augusta Innovation Zone
    • UNISYS presecne
    • Booz Allen Hamilton presence
  • On powerpoint, added slide on & Augusta Innovation Zone. Saved as Augusta_Innovation_District_10.03 in E:\McNair\Projects\Innovation Districts\Augusta Startup Ecosystem.

2017-09-28: Created slides listing info on Augusta from the wiki page. Saved in E:\McNair\Projects\Innovation Districts\Augusta Startup Ecosystem, called "Joe Augusta". Merged with Dylan's slides. Still need to add more info, make cleaner. Edited Augusta Ecosystem page. Added chart from augmaster excel file in E:\McNair\Projects\Innovation Districts\Augusta Startup Ecosystem\NIH NSF Clinical Trials for Georgia by Zip to Augusta Powerpoint.

2017-09-26: Created a text file with XML of every unique piece of information in the assignment file in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples. Saved file in the same folder. On Augusta Startup Ecosystem, completed numbers 2 and 3 under "Tasks..."

To-do notes: For the assignment file in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples, list the XML and an example for 1 instance of every node of information. Don't need to list repeats,just every unique xpath with its corresponding example. pgs 27-28 of have good definitions.

2017-09-22: Checked xpaths for granted, made corrections for mistakes in the text file and McNair.

2017-09-21: Added xpaths to Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt from Equivalent XPath and APS Queries, completed all up to assignment org name.

2017-09-20: Finished listing the xpaths under assignments for the text file, and with it, all the granted xpaths are now listed in the text file.

2017-09-19: Added xpaths on Equivalent XPath and APS Queries to Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt, which hasn't been updated in a while. The xpaths for Equivalent XPath and APS Queries are complete for granted v4.0-v4.5. Added city and state under the citations header from the wiki page to the text file.

2017-09-15: Edited mistaken xpaths. Discovered that inventors and citations are indeed two different sections, with inventors only existing for v4.3-v4.5. They are not different headers referencing the same information. The inventors section appears only to exist under v4.3-v4.5, and the xpath for citations is parties/applicants/applicant (for v4.0-v4.2), or (for v4.3-v4.5) us-parties/applicants/applicant. Checked xpaths and listed under all sections. Xpaths still need to be added to the text file Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation.

2017-09-14: Finished listing xpaths for "lawyer" section (appears as "agent" in text files in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\granted) in Equivalent XPath and APS Queries. With it, every xpath we're interested in in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\granted is now listed in Equivalent XPath and APS Queries, for each type and version, with relevant examples. Still need to add some of these xpaths to the file Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation.

2017-09-012: Continued on xpath project. Finished citations section; still need to check which types and versions had entries for city, country, and state, under assignments. Still need to complete lawyers section as well.

2017-09-08: For xpath project, added notes on Equivalent XPath and APS Queries titled "Notes for Joe to remember". Listed orgname xpaths for citations, discovered that the citations and inventors section were effectively identical. Orgname still needs to be added to Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt.

2017-09-07: For xpath project, corrected example types that mistakenly contained quotation marks in Equivalent XPath and APS Queries. Only kept quotation marks when they appeared in the patent text itself. Added, in the citations category, sequence, last_name, and first_name to Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation. I also listed an exhaustive set of examples for sequence, last_name, and first_name in Equivalent XPath and APS Queries. Also Listed orgname fov v4.5 on Equivalent XPath and APS Queries.

  • Note: Equivalent XPath and APS Queries indicates that all entries under the citations header are strings. Assuming strings are indicated by quotation marks, only sequence appears to be a string.

2017-09-05: For xpath project, added primary_examiner_first_name xpaths to Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation. Listed an exhaustive set of example types for primary_examiner_first_name in [Equivalent XPath and APS Queries]]. Did the same for primary_examiner_last_name, primary_examiner_department, and number_of_claims.

2017-08-25: For xpath project, added classification_national_country and classification_national_class xpaths to Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation. Continued listing an exhaustive list of example types for the different types and versions of classification_national_class in Equivalent XPath and APS Queries.

2017-08-24: For xpath project, added cpc_subclass, cpc_main-group, and cpc_subgroup to Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation. Began listing an exhaustive set of example types for different types and versions of classification_national_class in Equivalent XPath and APS Queries.

Summer 2017

2017-08-04: Continued on xpath project. See "Task Notes" in Patent Schema Reconciliation.

2017-08-03: For the cities ranked 1-50 in Top50_Table in E:\McNair\Projects\Ecosystem\Ranking, found 1)City 2) State 3) Dollars invested 4) first-round deals 5) Active Startups 6) Density (Active Startups per Capita). Found percent of 3, 4, and 5 among the totals for all of the US, and for each of 8 metro areas as a proportion of the US' totals. Saved file as "Cleaned ranking table Aug 3", saved in E:\McNair\Projects\Ecosystem\Ranking. Continued on xpath project.

2017-08-02: Edited excel charts from 08-01. Continued on xpath project, completed IPCR sections. For Copy of Rankingv3_Diana's_workingfile in E:\McNair\Projects\Ecosystem\Ranking, added data on population, political activity in the 2016 presidential election, whether it had a university (using a filter of organizations that gave out doctorate degrees in Carnegie Classifications 2015_cleaned in E:\McNair\Projects\University Patents).

2017-08-01: For the xpath project: Found which patent versions for text files in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\granted had PRIORITY_CLAIMS_DATE, PRIORITY_CLAIMS_COUNTRY, and PRIORITY_CLAIMS_PATENT_NUMBER; noted which ones did, and added their xpaths to the file of xpaths, Patent Schema Reconciliation.txt in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation. Checked which types and versions had pct document numbers, updated xpaths in and Patent Schema Reconciliation.txt. Began the same process with IPCR_Subclass and the following xpaths on Began listing examples for each xpath. Used data from roundplus.txt in Z:\VentureCapitalData\SDCVCData\vcdb to create charts, saved as New2017Report(Aug) in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\2017Report.

2017-07-28: Continued working on xpaths. For Top50_Table in E:\McNair\Projects\Ecosystem\Ranking, found and entered necessary data. Source for city population and area is in the same folder, titled "City area chart".

2017-07-27: Doubled checked that the xpaths in were accurate for v4.0,v4.1, v4.2, and added to the page xpaths for the nodes listed on that wiki page for v<4.3. Began adding xpaths for other nodes Oliver noted would be helpful, like Invention Title. Went over new hubs definition with Hira; ensured no hubs on "Joe hub list 2017"(see above) were actually just incubators, and that they all had coding/tech events/programs with substance. Took 17 hubs off total. Saved new list in Z:\Hubs\2017\hubs_data, called Joe hub list 2017 w comments.

For the above code, I identified (what I think are accurate) xpaths for the nodes of patent number (//us-bibliographic-data-grant/publication-reference/document-id/doc-number), kind (//us-bibliographic-data-grant/publication-reference/document-id/kind), and grant date (//us-bibliographic-data-grant/publication-reference/document-id/date). I am adding the xpaths for these nodes, as well as the others mentioned above, for the 4 types of patents, for each version, for both granted and applications. Still have to do xpaths for granted version 2.5 for all types, and all applications. Waiting on Oliver about whether we need xpaths for more nodes other than the 6 example nodes.









An example xpath for a certain block of code from granted, v4.5, plant:

Notes: I am assuming "application number" in the patent code means "filing number", because the word "filing" appears nowhere in the code, and there is already a different number, under the "publication reference" header, that seems to be referring to the patent number. It's likely that the number under which the patent is internally filed is called "application number", and appears under the header "application reference", and that the (publicized) patent number appears under the header "publication reference".

2017-07-26: Began Patent Schema Reconciliation, creating a text document of xpaths for the following nodes: patent number, filing number, grant date, kind, type, application number, and filing date. Saved file in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation.

2017-07-25: Noted hubs that met the new definition but were not considered hubs in hubs_list in the same file. Copied all hubs data from "hubs list" in Z:\Hubs\2017\hubs_data to "Joe hub list 2017" in the same folder. Searched hubs.txt and "Potential Hubs" in Z:\Hubs\2017\hubs_data for new hubs; added new ones to "Joe hubs list 2017".

2017-07-21: Confirmed whether each hub in last year's hub list (in "Hubs Data v2_16" Z:\Hubs\2017\hubs_data) is still operating.

2017-07-20: Searched through the firms in "Raw Program list" in E:\McNair\Projects\Hubs\summer 2016 to determine if they could be considered hubs based on the definition listed above. If they were, they were added to the list of new hubs in "hubs list" in Z:\Hubs\2017\hubs_data.

2017-07-19: Continued editing "hubs list" in Z:\Hubs\2017\hubs_data, researching organizations marked as questionably hubs. Used websites like Alexa and to find hubs with websites similar to hubs in the "hubs list" file. Only found 1 new hub. Began searching possible hubs in the file "Raw Program list" in E:\McNair\Projects\Hubs\summer 2016.

2017-07-18: For the file "hubs list" in Z:\Hubs\2017\hubs_data, researched whether organizations not listed as hubs (aka shaded red) in "Hubs Data v2_16" (located in the same folder) should be considered hubs, under the definition that a hub has 1) has a coworking space, 2) provides mentorship, 3) offers coding classes/tech events for cohort companies. Whether the hub had an accelerator or was tech focused was also noted.

2017-07-14: used data from links in "Industry breakdown by GDP..." in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\Industries to create Excel charts of Houston employment & Gross Area Product broken down by industry. Saved charts in the same folder. Energy, health, and (for employment data) IT sectors were emphasized, in line with the goal of communicating the idea that, as substantial parts of the Houston economy, those industries will benefit from supporting local startups. Looked up example charts in the file 2017ReportV1 in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\Houston Ecosystem Recommendations, both for ideas for future charts, and to get an idea of quantitative VC data in Houston. Fixed typos, improved incomplete keys. Cleaned the file Venture Funds in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData: added research on funds declared dead to make sure they actually are. Double checked that all firms in the master list were accounted for in the grouped list of VC firms.

2017-07-13: Helped Diana with researching proportion of Houston's city budget allocated towards startup funding/entrepreneurship (apparently none...). Gathered info on IT and Procurement sections of Budget. Researched proportion of Houston budget allocated towards IT and Procurement. Excel and text files saved in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\Budget. Continued researching relative sizes of industries in Houston, gathered relevant info and links in "Industry breakdown..." in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\Industries.

Note: The Houston VC data write up is on Houston_Entrepreneurship_Ecosystem_Project#VC_Funds_in_Houston

2017-07-12: Added addresses/PO box locations to Venture Funds in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData to remaining VC firms. Organized list. Began organizing cohort data collected on 6/30 w/ regex to streamline searching and gathering of cohort names themselves. Compiled addresses, along with other categorized info, in an excel file called "VC firms with address, basic sector info", saved in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData. For each cohort in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Accelerator Match, added headers to the tabbed name, founder, description, etc. Continued searching for addresses of the firms with no addresses listed in "VC firms with address, basic sector info". Double-checked addresses.

2017-07-11: Continued adding addresses to companies in Venture Funds in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData. Note: The file "VC Data" is now called "Venture Funds".

2017-06-30: Continued adding cohorts to each new accelerator in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators, saving each accelerator's cohort in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Data as (acceleratorname).cohort, either as an excel file or a text file. Added addresses to companies in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData.

2017-06-29: Continued adding cohorts to each new accelerator in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators, saving each accelerator's cohort in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Data as (acceleratorname).cohort, as a text file. Searched through documents in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\extracts\applications, in the modern and vintage folders, for examples of patents of the following type: utility, plant, reissue, and design, in versions 1.5, 1.6, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5. Placed examples in the folder E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples. As mentioned in the wiki page (and all but confirmed with regex searches of hundreds of the patent documents), we appear only to have data on utility patents, except for a few plant patents.

2017-06-28: Began adding cohorts to each new accelerator in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators, saving each accelerator's cohort in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Data as (acceleratorname).cohort, as a text file.

2017-06-27: Sorted VC funds in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData; deleted non-operating ones; finalized groups. Began researching the relative size of different sectors in Houston's economy. Work saved in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\Industries.

2017-06-23: Finished grouping VC funds in the file Venture Funds in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData. Researched whether based in Houston, and whether they should be considered alive.

2017-06-22: Finished researching VC funds in the file Venture Funds in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData. Began grouping.

2017-06-21: Continued researching VC funds in the file Venture Funds in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData.

2017-06-20: Joined the center! Wrote my page. Started on Collecting SBIR Data. Finished collecting SBIR Data; saved in bulk(E:)--> McNair-->Projects-->SBIR. Began researching VC funds in the file Venture Funds in E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\VCData