Catherine Kirby (Work Log)

Revision as of 12:31, 11 December 2017 by CatherineK (talk | contribs)
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Fall 2017

Catherine Kirby Work Logs (log page)

2017-12-07: 1pm-3pm: work on report

2017-12-06: 1pm-3pm; work on report

2017-12-01: 3pm-5pm: work on report

2017-11-30: 4pm-5pm: work on report

2017-11-29: 10am-11am; 3:00pm-5:00pm: work on report

2017-11-28: 4pm-5pm: work on report

2017-11-27: 10am-11am; 3:00pm-5:00pm: work on report

2017-11-22: 10am-12pm: work on report

2017-11-21: 3:30-4:30pm: work on report

2017-11-20: 10am-11:30am; 3:30-5:00pm: work on report

2017-11-16: 3:30pm-5:00pm: work on report

2017-11-15: 10am-12pm; 3:30-5:00pm: work on report

2017-11-14: 4:00pm-5:00pm: work on report

2017-11-13: 11:00am-12:00pm, 3:30pm-5:00pm: begin writing

2017-11-10: 1:00pm-3:00pm: work on graphs

2017-11-07: 11:00am-12:00pm: edit graphs, begin intro

2017-11-02: 11:00pm-12:00pm; 4:00-5:00pm: make graphs

2017-11-01: 10:00-12:00pm; 3:00pm-5:00pm: make graphs

2017-10-30: 10:00-12:00pm; 3:00-5:00pm: make graohs

2017-10-26: 11:00-12:00pm; 4:00-5:00pm: zipcodes

2017-10-25: 3:30-5:00pm: zipcodes

2017-10-24: 10pm-12pm; 4:00pm-5:00pm: zipcodes

2017-10-23: 2pm-3:30pm: find hospitals in zipcode area

2017-10-20: 1pm-3:30pm: find hospitals in zipcode area

2017-10-18: 10am-12pm: look at code running results. Clinical trial data finished

2017-10-17: 11am-12pm; 3:30-5:00pm: run newbiotech code

2017-10-16: 10am-12pm; 3:15-4:45pm: finish pulling Texas Contract data. rewrite med center code with new zipcodes

2017-10-12: 10am-12pm: pull data for Texas Contracts

2017-10-11: 10am-12pm: pull data for all Texas Federal Grants from 2005-2017

2017-10-04: 10am-12pm; 3:30-5pm: find all government grants in Augusta

2017-10-03: 11am-12pm: work on DOD grants

2017-10-02: 10am-12pm; 3:45-6:15: work with new zipcodes, pull DOD grants

2017-09-29: 3:00pm-4:30pm: examine hospitals in zipcodes

2017-09-27: 3:30-4:30pm: edit paper

2017-09-26: 10:30am-12pm; 2:00pm-5:00pm: find nsf, nih, clinical trial data for georgia and augusta university

2017-09-25: 10am-12am: edit paper

2017-09-21: 10:15-12:15pm; 3:30-5:00pm: search for zipcode areas, edit graph

2017-09-20: 10am-12pm; 3:30-5:00pm: edit graphs and writing

2017-09-18: 10am-12pm: edit graphs and figures

2017-09-13: 10am-12pm; simplify report

2017-09-12: 10am-12pm; 3:30-5:00: simplify report

2017-09-11: 10am-12pm; 3:30-5:00: edit report and figures, add the edited graphs to report

2017-09-06: 10am-12pm: edit report

Fall 2016

9/8/16 3:30pm-6pm: Introduction, create wiki page, brainstormed blog ideas

9/9/16 1pm-4pm: Create Bio, brainstormed and further developed blog ideas

9/13/16 1pm-4pm: Research for blog posts

9/14/16 2:20pm-5:20pm: Research for blog posts and begin outlines for two

9/15/16 2pm-5pm: continued on outline for drug patents and explored two new possible topics

9/20/16: 1pm-3pm: completed a first draft of the ACA and private practice blog post, continued to explore and work on other three topics

9/21/16: 2:20-4:20pm: put blog post draft on wiki, found possible photos to include, researched for other topics

9/22/16: 2pm-5pm: started editing election blog posts, worked with Avesh to research patent licensing

9/23/16: 1pm-4pm: researched patent licensing figures

9/27/16: 1pm-3pm: added to the how to write a blog post portion of the Help for New Staff page, researched for new blog topic

9/28/16: 3pm-5pm: continued research for entrepreneurship as diplomacy

9/29/16: 2pm-5pm: worked on editing blog posts, researched for other blog post

10/04/16: 1pm-3pm: worked on the small business development ecosystem of HTX

10/05/16: 3pm-5pm: worked on Alberts project for small business development

10/06/16: 2pm-5pm continued to work on small business development project

10/07/16: 10am-1pm: edited blog posts for the election posts

10/12/16: 3pm-5pm: edited ACA blog post

10/13/16: 2pm-5pm: finished edits on ACA blog post, helped Carlin plan McNair dinner

10/14/16: 1pm-4pm: edited ACA blog post, helped Julia look over SXSL blog post, researched entrepreneurship in diplomacy

10/18/16: 1pm-3pm; 5:30-6:30: finished edits on ACA blog post, dinner

10/19/16: 3pm-5pm: edited blog post, worked to prepare for call with Ankita

10/20/16: 12:40pm-3:40pm: edited blog post, work with Albert on Small Business Portal

10/21/16: 12:30pm-4pm: finished blog post and put it in the blog. continued research on entrepreneurship in diplomacy and brainstormed other blog post ideas

10/25/16: 2:05pm-4:05pm: edited Eliza's emerging entrepreneurial ecosystems: Austin, Tx post, researched entrepreneurship as diplomacy and looked into the new overtime rules.

10/26/16: 2:20pm-4:20pm: drafted 3/4 of a blog post on the new overtime regulations.

11/01/16: 1pm-3pm: edited draft of overtime law post, wrote bio for the blog, put blog post into the blog on private

11/02/16: 3pm-5pm: edited draft and prepared it for the blog. Began researching bayh dole act. Edited Julias blog post

11/03:16: 1pm-4mp: researched for the effects of the Bayh Dole on the biotech industry. did sql workshop

11/04/16: 1pm-4pm: outlined Bayh Dole Act blog post

11/08/16: 12:45-2:45pm: drafted Bayh Dole blog post

11/09/16: 3pm-5pm: finished drafting Bayh-Dole blog post

11/10/16: 2pm-5pm: had Eliza peer edit my post, made Anne's edits, discussed blog with Ed and began to make edits, brainstormed for future blog posts with ed

11/11/16: 1pm-4pm: edits on blog post

11/15/16: 1pm-5pm: work on project, found list of supreme court cases, executive orders, and council of economic advisors that all had to do with entrepreneurship and innovation.

11/16/16: 2:15pm-5pm: continue looking for executive orders for governance policy report

11/17/16: 1:45pm-6pm: continued working on project, edit blog post, find images for blog post, changed the general direction of blog post

11/18/16: 1:00pm-4:15pm: worked on project, edited blog post, went to blog meeting

11/22/16: 1pm-3pm: continued to work on project

11/29/16: 12:45pm-3:15pm: did supreme court case descriptive statistics

11/30/16: 2:15pm-5:00pm: worked on executive orders, edited Carlin's post, made edits on Anne's edits on my blog post

12/01/16: 1pm-4:15pm: continued executive orders, started compiling list of bills, discussed all with ed

12/02/16: 1pm-5pm: started and finished descriptive statistics of bills for E&I project. link to googledoc on wikipage

12/06/16: 4pm-5:30pm: edit blog post

12/07/16: 1pm-4pm: finalize blog post

Spring 2017

01/18/17: 1pm-3pm: begin research for blog post

01/19/17: 1pm-3pm: continue research for blog post, begin outline

01/20/17: 1pm-4pm: finish blog post outline, team meeting

01/23/17: 1pm-4pm: draft blog post, Julia peer edit, sent to Anne

01/25/17: 1pm-3pm: fix Anne's edits

01/27/17: 1pm-3pm: work on Ed's edits

01/30/17: 1pm-4pm: fix additional edits

02/01/17: 1pm-3pm: revisions on blog post, put in blog, added pictures, work on wiki

02/02/17: 1pm-3pm: revise blog post, look at foreign affairs blog post

02/03/17: 11pm-12pm; 1pm-3pm: add tweets to hootsuite, look over Jake's blog post

02/06/17: 1pm-4pm: outline Entrepreneurship as Diplomacy, cutting and using parts of Dylan's post (see blog post page on wiki), finish rough draft

02/08/17: 1pm-3pm: flush out blog post more, begin on deliverables for biotech

02/13/17: 10pm-12pm; 1pm-2pm: table blog post (see wiki and googledoc for most recent draft), continue on deliverables of medical center+hospital information (see in server in biotech project file, medcenter data)

02/15/17: 1pm-3pm: med center address entering

02/16/17: 1pm-3pm: med center project continued

02/18/17: 1pm-4pm: med center project continued

02/22/17: 1pm-3pm: med center project continued

02/23/17: 1pm-3pm: med center project continued

02/24/17: 1pm-4pm: med center project continued, finished all main members of TMC, will do additional members before moving onto cleveland clinic

02/27/17: 1pm-4pm: med center project continued

02/28/17: 1pm-3pm: med center project continued

03/01/17: 1pm-3pm: med center project continued

03/02/17: 1pm-3pm: med center project continued

03/03/17: 1pm-4pm: completed collecting addresses and zipcodes, created project page (see project management) time pull addresses needed and figure out hwo to find patents and clinical trials, and grants

03/06/17: 1pm-4pm: compiled zipcodes, waiting on Jeemin to rerun clinical trial data

03/08/17: 12:15pm-2:45pm: found zipcodes from clinical trial data...will have to do over as excel does not support all of the zipcodes, learned vlookup, countif, etc, edited wikipage

03/09/17: 1:30pm-3pm: finished finding the rest of the zipcodes and found the total number of clinical trials at the medical centers by zipcode. Looked into finding nih/nsf grant data as well.

03/20/17: 1pm-4pm: SQL lesson, made graph for E&I governance report

03/22/17: 10am-12pm; 1pm-3pm: figured out how to put NIH grants together, found NSF data, got patent data-->now I have all the research articles I need

03/23/17: 2:15-4:15: compiled all NIH grant zipcodes in on txt file, once they are fixed with regular expressions they will be ready. Compiled existing data into one sheet to refer to.

03/27/17: 1pm-4pm: finish compiling data set

03/29/17: 10am-12pm: work on brainstorming blog post

03/30/17: 1pm-3pm: meet with Ed

03/31/17: 10am-12pm: write up data wiki page things

04/03/17: 1pm-4pm: learn SQL create tables in data base

04/05/17: 1pm-3pm: create more tables

04/06/17: 1pm-3pm: create table

04/07/17: 1pm-4pm: troubleshoot tables

04/10/17: 1pm-4pm: troubleshoot tables pt 2: All my data is found in the Biotech folder in the Z drive, my SQL file is in that folder and a copy is in the E:\McNair\Projects/Biotech Project folder as well

04/12/17: 1pm-6pm: worked loading NIH files and joining files together

04/13/17: 1pm-5pm: worked on the database and practiced SQL

04/17/17: 1pm-4pm: worked on database

04/19/17: 1pm-3pm: worked on database

04/20/17: 3pm-5pm: worked on database

04/21/17: 1pm-4pm: worked on database

04/24/17: 10:30-1pm: worked on research artifacts

04/27/17: 10am-11am, 3:30-4:30: work on research artifacts

05/02/17: 1:30pm-5pm: work on outlining report