ArcMap / ArcGIS Documentation

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McNair Project
ArcMap / ArcGIS Documentation
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Project Information
Project Title ArcMap / ArcGIS Documentation
Owner Jeemin Sim
Start Date
Primary Billing
Has project status
Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.


Add Text File (.txt) as Data on ArcMap

1) Open ArcMap
2) Locate a a button with a black cross with yellow diamond underneath (below'Selection')
3) Click the tiny triangle drop-down button to its immediate right
4) Select 'Add Data'
5) Find location where local text file resides. For example: (Home - Documents\ArcGIS)
6) Select a text file of interest and click Add
   - The text file should have at least two columns: X and Y coordinates
7) Locate the text file in the Table Of Contents tab in the left
8) Right click the text file
9) Select 'Display XY Data...'
10) In the pop-up window 'Display XY Data', choose XField and YField - the default should work
11) Check that in the same pop-up window the box labelled 'Coordinate System of Input Coordinates'
    contains GCS_WGS_1984
    - If not: click the 'Edit...' Button. --> Click the Plus sign for 'Geographic Coordinate Systems'
               --> Click the Plus sign for 'World' --> Select 'WGS 1984' --> Press OK
12) Click 'OK'
13) Most likely a window titled 'Table Does Not Have Object-ID Field' will pop up,
    but do not fret
14) The points will show on the big screen in the middle

Manipulate Data with Queries

1) Right click on data layer
2) Click on Properties
3) Click on Definition Query
4) There are two options, definition query or query builder
5) Type In Query and Hit Apply and Then OK

Add Base layer on ArcMap

1) Locate a a button with a black cross with yellow diamond underneath (below'Selection')
2) Click the tiny triangle drop-down button to its immediate right
3) Select 'Add Basemap...'
4) Choose a base map of your liking. 'Light Gray Canvas' is frequently used.
5) Click 'Add'

Displaying a KML File on ArcMap

1) Locate a button with a red tool box (ArcToolbox) (below 'Help')
2) ArcToolbox window pops up
3) Click the plus sign to the left of 'Conversion Tools'
4) Click the plus sign to the left of 'From KML'
5) Double-click 'KML To Layer'
6) Select Input KML File, Output Location, and Output Data Name
7) Press 'OK'
8) Data appears on map

Determine the Layer Order (which layer appears in the front)

1) On the left, locate a 'Table Of Contents' panel
2) Under the words 'Table Of Contents', locate the leftmost button, 'List By Drawing Order'
3) Drag around layers to determine priority in view

Aesthetics of the Map

- For colors to choose, refer to Branding
     - Baker Green  (rgb values) : 13,119,110
     - Baker Orange (rgb values) : 235,109,46 
- To adjust the color, 
  1) Locate the 'Table Of Contents' panel on the left
  2) Locate the layer of interest
  3) Double-click on its symbol (circle, diamond, rectangle ...)
  4) 'Symbol Selector' window pops up
  5) Click on the drop-down of 'Color'
  6) Click on 'More Colors'
  7) Input the appropriate RGB values
  8) Click OK
  9) Then Click OK
- To adjust transparency, 
  1) Locate the 'Table Of Contents' panel on the left
  2) Double-click on a desired layer
  3) 'Layer Properties' window pops up
  4) Adjust text field for 'Transparent'
     For points, transparency is usually 0%, and for areas, it is usually between 60% and 70%