CUSIP CUSIP Identifier PERMNO CRSP Permanent Number PERMCO CRSP Permanent Company Number ISSUNO NASDAQ Issue Number HEXCD Header Exchange Code HSICCD Header SIC code HSICMG Header SIC Major Group (SAS only) HSICIG Header SIC Industry Group (SAS only) CALDT Calendar Date (FORTRAN/C only) DATE Calendar Date (SAS only) EVENT Event Name NCUSIP Name CUSIP TICKER Exchange Ticker Symbol COMNAM Company Name SHRCLS Share Class SHRCD Share Code EXCHCD Exchange Code SICCD Standard Industrial Classification Code DISTCD Distribution Code DIVAMT Dividend Cash Amount FACPR Factor to adjust price FACSHR Factor to adjust shares outstanding CFACPR Cumulative factor to adjust price CFACSHR Cumulative factor to adjust shares out. DCLRDT Declaration date RCRDDT Record date PAYDT Payment date SHROUT Number of shares outstanding SHRFLG Share flag DLSTCD Delisting code NWPERM New CRSP permanent number NEXTDT Date of next available information DLAMT Delisting amount DLRETX Delisting return without dividends DLPRC Delisting price DLPDT Delisting payment date DLRET Delisting return TRTSCD Traits code NMSIND National Market System Indicator MMCNT Market maker count NSDINX NASD index BIDLO Bid or Low ASKHI Ask or High PRC Closing Price of Bid/Ask average VOL Share Volume RET Holding Period Return