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Code for most recent regression:
set more off
insheet using "Estimation.txt"
log using "Estimation.log", replace
gen rmse=0
gen ressd=0
gen alpha=0
gen beta=0
tabstat acqkey, stats(min max) save
matrix acqnos=r(StatTotal)
local min=acqnos[1,1]
local max=acqnos[2,1]
forvalues acqnumber = `min'(1)`max' {
capture reg ret vret if acqkey==`acqnumber'
capture matrix betas=e(b)
capture local beta=betas[1,1]
capture local alpha=betas[1,2]
capture local rmse=e(rmse)
capture predict res,r
capture tabstat res, stats(sd) save
capture matrix resmat=r(StatTotal)
capture local ressd=resmat[1,1]
capture replace rmse=`rmse' if acqkey==`acqnumber'
capture replace ressd=`ressd' if acqkey==`acqnumber'
capture replace alpha=`alpha' if acqkey==`acqnumber'
capture replace beta=`beta' if acqkey==`acqnumber'
capture drop res
display `acqnumber'
reg ret vret if acqkey==2
matrix betas=e(b)
local beta=betas[1,1]
local alpha=betas[1,2]
local rmse=e(rmse)
predict res,r
tabstat res, stats(sd) save
matrix resmat=r(StatTotal)
local ressd=resmat[1,1]
replace rmse=`rmse' if acqkey==2
replace ressd=`ressd' if acqkey==2
replace alpha=`alpha' if acqkey==2
replace beta=`beta' if acqkey==2
drop res
drop if reldayno !=-30
outsheet using "Estimation-processed.txt", replace
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