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471 bytes added ,  17:31, 30 January 2018
DROP TABLE firmbasecorefirmbasec; CREATE TABLE firmbasecore firmbasec AS SELECT l.*
FROM firmbase1 AS l
LEFT JOIN firmbaseinclude AS r ON r.firmname = l.firmname AND r.foundingdate = l.foundingdate
WHERE r.firmname IS NULL AND undisclosedflag = 0;
DROP TABLE firmbasecore;
CREATE TABLE firmbasecore AS
SELECT * FROM firmbasec WHERE firmname NOT LIKE 'Amundi%';
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT firmname) FROM firmbasecore;
--94469445 NOTE: We have dropped 'Amundi' for reasons specified in "Cleaning branchoffices," below.
==Cleaning branchoffices==
SELECT * FROM branchofficesbase WHERE undisclosedflag = 0;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT firmname, bozip FROM branchofficecore WHERE bocity IS NOT NULL) AS T;
DROP TABLE bocore; CREATE TABLE bocore AS SELECT * FROM branchofficecore WHERE firmname not like 'Amundi%'; --9450  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT firmname, bocity FROM branchofficecore bocore WHERE bocity IS NOT NULL) AS T; --19631962
There are no duplicates in firmbasecore. In firmbase, 'Amundi Private Equity Funds SA' was is the only duplicate, but we dropped the one with the earlier founding date when we cleaned firmbase. Amundi has 2 branch offices in the same city (Bucharest) but different zip codes, which is why there are different counts when we use firmname/firmname,bocity vs firmname, bozip as our key.
NOTE: We might drop have dropped "Amundi" from firmbasecore, as well as branchofficecore, in order to use firmname as a valid key for bocore.
==Cleaning fundbase==
==Creating portcoexitmaster==
Portcoexitmaster contains the portcokey with an exitflag, ipoflag and maflag and an exit value. It is built off the companybaseipomasmaster table so be sure you've built this first.Note that the amounts are actually in m (not k) in the input.  ALTER TABLE portcoexitbuild RENAME TO portcoexitbuildbak;  
CREATE TABLE portcoexitbuild AS
SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, ipoissuedate, masannounceddate, ipoprincipalamtkipoamt, mastransactionamtkmaamt, investedk
FROM companybaseipomasmaster;
DROP TABLE portcoexitmaster;
CREATE TABLE portcoexitmaster AS
SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, investedk, CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL THEN ipoissuedate WHEN masannounceddate IS NOT NULL THEN masannounceddate ELSE NULL END AS exitdate,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS ipoflag,
CASE WHEN masannounceddate IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS maflag,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL OR masannounceddate IS NOT NULL THEN 1::int ELSE 0::int END AS exitflag,
CASE WHEN ipoissuedate IS NOT NULL THEN ipoprincipalamtkipoamt::numeric::float8/1000 ELSE mastransactionamtkmaamt::numeric::float8/1000 END AS
FROM portcoexitbuild;

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