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875 bytes added ,  12:30, 27 September 2017
END AS excludeflag
FROM round;
*There wasn't a colevel, portco keyed master flag table, so I made one from '''roundplus''' (see below)
*I also included basic round summary data
DROP TABLE PortCoFlagMaster;
SELECT coname, statecode, datefirstinv, city
max(growthflag) AS hadgrowth, sum(growthflag) as numgrowth,
max(seedflag) AS hadseed, sum(seedflag) as numseed,
max(earlyflag) AS hadearly, sum(earlyflag) as numearly,
max(laterflag) AS hadlater, sum(laterflag) as numlater,
max(transactionflag) AS hadtrans, sum(transactionflag) as numtrans,
max(excludeflag) AS hadexcl, sum(excludeflag) as numexcl,
max(dealflag) AS haddeal,
COUNT(rounddate) as numrounds, sum(numinvestors) as totalinvestors
FROM roundplus
GROUP BY coname, statecode, datefirstinv, city;
Code is in FixingVCDB2.sql in Z:\VentureCapitalData\SDCVCData\vcdb2
==Fixing erroneous geo-coordinates==
Some of the geocoordinates in the db are dirty and point to locations in India, Eastern Europe. However, the company addresses exist. Isolate the dirty geo-coordinates and do a lookup using script. To isolate place a box around the continental US and flag all points that fall outside the box. Add back the points that are located in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Then import back into db.

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