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One complaint made about the heuristic results is that it is near the middle (i.e., it's 48.7717%, which happens to be near 50%). Although the nature of any HCA on geographic coords implies that the result is unlikely to the close to the bounds (0 or 100%) and more likely to be near the middle (50%), it could be in an entirely different place. '''This result (48.7717%) characterizes the agglomeration of venture-backed startup firms'''. You'd get a very different number if you studied gas stations, supermarkets, airports, or banana plantations!
{{Colored box|title=The Case for the Heuristic Method|content=The heuristic method (i.e., using the inflection in the plot from the population of city-year-layers) finds pretty much the same layer as the R2 method with almost no work, and it can be used in a within-city analysis without having to hold hull count constant.}}
. tabstat nohull tothullcount tothullarea tothulldensity growthinv18 numdeals numstartups if regmaxr2==1, stats(p50
> mean sd N min max p10 p90) columns(statistics)
variable | p50 mean sd N min max p10 p90
nohull | 2 3.531407 7.07922 2977 1 68 1 6
tothullcount | 8 17.4565 35.65118 2977 3 380 3 30
tothullarea | 14.76523 448.029 2063.824 2977 .0049029 34780.04 .5275311 732.4005
tothullden~y | .7640136 11.32988 63.62256 2977 .0002282 1425.338 .0115537 16.15439
growthinv18 | 33.53101 142.5 561.6696 2977 0 22282.6 1.53118 309.0208
numdeals | 3 6.71347 17.06682 2977 0 275 0 15
numstartups | 16 41.28955 89.98027 2977 6 1317 7 90
. tabstat nohull tothullcount tothullarea tothulldensity growthinv18 numdeals numstartups if regheur1==1, stats(p50
> mean sd N min max p10 p90) columns(statistics)
variable | p50 mean sd N min max p10 p90
nohull | 2 4.279958 8.433203 3797 0 119 1 9
tothullcount | 8 20.08954 42.99372 3797 0 673 3 43
tothullarea | 11.32983 49.42803 158.7375 3797 0 2569.169 1.660208 93.94627
tothullden~y | .946713 3.48483 10.93185 3797 0 212.8198 .06182 7.601018
growthinv18 | 31.8453 133.0608 508.1196 3797 0 22282.6 1.235763 292.4397
numdeals | 2 6.629181 16.46614 3797 0 275 0 15
numstartups | 15 38.74743 83.6814 3797 6 1317 7 83
===Another list of items===

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