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14 bytes added ,  13:14, 17 May 2019
1) Create a file of uuids of incubators
(CrunchbaseShortOrgDescChosenByYi.txt and CrunchbaseShortOrgDescChosenByLibby.txt)  File path: Z:\crunchbase3
2) Load the file into the database
DROP TABLE ChosenShortOrgUUIDs; CREATE TABLE ChosenShortOrgUUIDs ( uuid varchar(100));
\COPY CREATE TABLE ChosenShortOrgUUIDs FROM 'CrunchbaseShortOrgDescChosenByYi.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV(--275 uuid varchar(100) );
\COPY ChosenShortOrgUUIDs FROM 'CrunchbaseShortOrgDescChosenByYi.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV
CREATE TABLE ChosenLongOrgUUIDs ( uuid varchar(100) );
\COPY ChosenShortOrgUUIDs FROM 'CrunchbaseShortOrgDescChosenByLibby.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV --301
3) Run a query that joins uuids with related fields
Fields we are interested in:
company_name, roles, permalink, domain, homepage_url, country_code, state_code, region, city, address, status, short_description, category_list, category_group_list, funding_rounds, funding_total_usd, founded_on, last_funding_on, closed_on, employee_count, email, phone, facebook_url, linkedin_url, cb_url, logo_url, twitter_url, aliases, uuid, created_at, updated_at, primary_role, type
=Useful Regular Exes=


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