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This page serves as an updated and tidied version of the data and work presented on the [[Accelerator Seed List (Data)]] Project, which subsumed [[Accelerator Data]].
Both of these projects (and as a corollary, this project) are dependent on the [[Demo Day Page Parser]], [[Industry Classifier]], and the [[Whois Parser]].
==7/9/18 Update==
Here's a project update on the work that has been done since coming to McNair.
'''The Equity Variable: COMPLETE'''
Maxine Tao and I have added five new variables to the Accelerator Master Variable List - Revised by Ed V2 file. Those variables are:
*Terms of joining - terms of joining accelerator and important details about program
*Equity (1/0) - cells contain a 1 if the accelerator take equity, a 0 if an accelerator definitively does not, and is blank if we could not find that information
*Equity Amount - the % of equity the accelerator will take (can sometimes be a range (eg. 5-7%))
*Investment - the $ the accelerator invests in a company to begin, if relevant (also could be a range or a "up to $######")
*Notes - anything to comment on previous 4 columns
*These five variables tell us more about the characteristics of accelerators; specifically, which ones take equity and which ones do not, and how much equity accelerators take.
Relevant information:
*82 accelerators take equity, 42 do not, and we lack information for 37.
*The average % of equity among accelerators who take equity (rough estimate--do not use for anything official) is 6.49% (got this number by only looking at accelerators who take equity, averaging equity amount for accelerators who report a range (e.g. 4%-10% equity would be coded as 7% equity) and took mean.
'''Matching Accelerators to UUIDs: COMPLETE'''
The file with accelerators matched to Crunchbase UUIDs can be found at:
/bulk/McNair/Projects/Accelerators/Summer 2018/Accelerators and UUIDs.xlsx
This is the master file and should never be modified unless we find a UUID changed. ALL OTHER SHEETS with UUIDs are linked to this sheet so its changes will be reflected elsewhere.
More information can be found on the Crunchbase Data page.
'''Linking Accelerators to Founders/LinkedIn Crawling: COMPLETE'''
Grace Tan got the LinkedIn Crawler (Python) to work, which means we currently have the following information about accelerator founders:
==An Overview==

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