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1,251 bytes added ,  11:55, 31 July 2018
==Update for Hira==
===Recoding Equity===
I have updated equity from data from
I have also updated the columns with a new normalized version of investment. Within the File To Rule Them All, you will find two normalizations of investment:
*the midpoint normalization, used by taking an average of the accelerators' investment ranges.
*the upper bound normalization, used by taking an average of the highest amount accelerators will invest.
This dual normalization was performed because many accelerators say they invest "Up to $__,___" so a midpoint may not accurately reflect actual investment amounts.
The average investment when using the midpoint is $40,164 and the average investment when using the upper limit is $48,313.
'''NOTE: There may be one outlier to control for, as Boost VC says they offer **between $50,000 and $500,000**. This is a huge range and the upper limit of $500,00 may throw off our analysis.
By removing Boost VC's investment amounts, the average using midpoint drops to $37,555 (~$3,000 less) and the average using upper limits drops to $43,293 (~$5,000 less). The distance between the two averages drops from ~$8,000 to ~$6,000. We should consider/discuss removing or controlling for Boost VC.'''
===Amazon Mechanical Turk Pricing===

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