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10/24 10:00am - Tried to finish women piece again lol
10/25 4:00 pm 00pm - Began researching for next blog post- looking at statistics for tech companies and their hiring of women and maternity benefits.
10/26 10:00 am 00am - more research on tech companies and women's benefits. Also peer-edited two of Meghana's posts
10/27 4:00pm - more research on benefits offered by tech companies. Google is cool!!
10/28 10:00 am 00am - Happy Friday! Worked on the women's benefits in tech companies research and tried to find some articles for Ramee for twitter
10/31 10:00 am 00am - Worked on a mix of the stuff from last week + making sure all of my blog posts work in our new organizational system
11/01 4:00pm - Finishing touches on the Women in STEM post, then worked on the women in top 5 tech companies research
11/02 10:00 am 00am - Started drafting the tech women's benefits post
11/04 10:00 am 00am - Put the women in STEM post into wordpress and worked on the tech women post
11/08 4:00 pm 00pm - Peer edited Dylan's piece, worked on tech women post
11/10 4:00 pm 00pm - Looked at Carlin's post, edited the tech top 5 women post, sent it to Anne and Ed. Talked to Ed about what is next for me! 11/11 10:00am - published women in STEM post! Then did research on entrepreneurship and human rights

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