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2,943 bytes added ,  13:34, 21 September 2020
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|Has project output=
|Has sponsor=McNair Center
|Has title=Small Inventors Project
|Has owner=Avesh Krishna
|Has start date=201702
|Has deadline=201705
|Has keywords=Patents, Small Business
|Has project status=Tabled
==See Also==
*[[Small Entity vs. Micro Entity]]
Story: What happened to the American Small Inventor
*Identify small inventors *Are they patenting more or less *Has AIA helped them *Are their patents being attacked in IPR/litigation *What do they do with their IP (license/transfer) *What are they valued at*Also see [[Patent Rules]]  ===Short Term deliverables=== *count of patents by type by year*count of citations of type by year*mean term of patents granted by year :*can break down by type as well  ::NOTE: mean stock of patents by type and year *other idea: mean number of patents per assignee by size over time (stock) ==Micro Entities== Include institutes of higher education (those meeting definition in 20 U.S. Code § 1001: either an employee of institute of higher education OR: rights to patent will be assigned to institute of higher education:: however if the university applies for a patent with the university as the investor/applicant then cannot be a microentity ==Small Entities== Is a person or small business How to find: [[Fee Status Table]] Want to create a new table with all small and micro patents and if they are small or micro Then find all patents citing a small or micro patent:basically a left join of the table and the citations table (so including small micro or large designation is shown)  Look to see how many patents cite knowledge used by small or micro firms :break down by category small medium large Find \ ==Patent Database== created citation_cleaned table which removed all rows with NULL value in either column Created citations_made table which counts the number of patents cited by a patent Created times_cited which counts the number of times a patent is cited  DROP TABLE citation_cleaned CREATE TABLE citation_cleaned AS SELECT patent, cited FROM citation WHERE (patent IS NOT NULL AND citation is NOT NULL); #SELECT 74164171 ALTER TABLE citation_cleaned RENAME patent to citing; DROP TABLE citations_made CREATE TABLE citations_made AS SELECT citing, count(*) as numcitations FROM citation_cleaned GROUP BY citing; #SELECT 5214098 DROP TABLE times_cited CREATE TABLE times_cited AS SELECT cited, count(*) as citednum FROM citation_cleaned GROUP BY cited; #SELECT 6977741 ALTER TABLE citations_made RENAME citing to patent; ALTER TABLE times_cited RENAME cited to patent;  originality vs generality and whole, jaffey, tratjenberg. 4 standard measures : citations made, received, originality, generality.  citations across classes.  Whole (2005) paper that corrects the bias inherent in those measure, Built initialsize1 table which had each patent and it's size at first fee event and it's grant date. Also have an excel sheet with the number of patents granted of each size by year Joined initialsize1 and citation_count to get the number of citations on and by each patent with the size and grant date.

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