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To do the front page, I copied the source of [ Template:Main page] from mediawiki to a page (called Test) and created [Template:Main page/styles.css] using [ mediawiki's code]. Then I rejigged the contents of the page!
The only minor but non-obvious change, was that I used h2 headings inside each mainpage_box, rather than h3's. As a consequence, I needed to add the following to [[Template:Main_page/styles.css]]:
.mainpage_box h2 {
border-bottom: none;
.mainpage_box h2 .header_icon {
margin-right: 5px;
Old instructions[] suggest using [[Special:ExpandTemplate]] on mediawiki's wiki, with the input text <nowiki>{{:MediaWiki}}</nowiki>. But this isn't necessary as the template doesn't need expanding in its current (at the time of writing) incarnation. Naturally, the page works well on MobileFrontend.
pg_dump -Fc stockmarket > stockmarket_Fc_20201023.dump
pg_dump -Fc vcdb4 > vcdb4_Fc_20201023.dump
The second backoff failed:
======Switching over the installations======
So, I took an the alternative approachof changing the data folders [].
The plan:
data_directory = '/data/postgres'
port = 5432
listen_addresses = '*'
#While we are here do some performance tuning:
shared_buffers = 512MB
work_mem = 4GB
maintenance_work_mem = 64
max_stack_depth = 24MB
effective_cache_size = 384GB
#Note that I didn't reduce the number of connections (and the max_wal_senders, which must be < max connections), or change max_stack_depth (which gives an error if you set it too high) vi /etc/postgresql/12/master/pg_hba.conf Copy over the config to allow access from inside the network
Move the data:
12 master 5432 online postgres /data/postgres /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-master.log
Do the installs for some extensions: apt-get install postgresql-12-plr apt-get install postgresql-plperl-12 postgresql-plpython3-12 Check it all works: psql postgres CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION plr; CREATE EXTENSION plperl; CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u; \dx List of installed extensions Name | Version | Schema | Description---------+---------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------- plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language postgis | 3.0.0 | public | PostGIS geometry, geography, and raster spatial types and functions (2 rows) Make the user: createuser --interactive researcher Then restore the databases(as researcher in /bulk/backup): createdb stockmarket pg_restore -Fc -d stockmarket stockmarket_Fc_20201023.dump createdb vcdb4 pg_restore -Fc -d vcdb4 vcdb4_Fc.dump The restore threw some errors related to not having extension plpythonu, but otherwise seemed fine. The issue seems to be that pythonu is python2[], and python2 is not available for postgres 12 (it might be here: apt-cache search ".*plpython*.*"
====Other Fixes====

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