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1,496 bytes added ,  15:29, 18 September 2017
<nowiki>\COPY Maintfeeevents FROM 'MaintFeeEvents_20160613.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E' \t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV;</nowiki>
--Now import table of fee codes (and the duration of the extensions) from (Z:\LBO\Clean)
== Updating the Patent Term Calculcations ==
We need to take into account the change in patent term. See
*Patent filed after June 8 1995: term of 20 years from US filing date (based on fees paid)
*Pending on June 8 1995 or issued after June 7 1978 but not expired before june 8 19985 have the term max(17 years from issue date, 20 years from date of filing)
*Patents issued before June 7 1978 have term of 17 years from date of issue
*Maintenance Fees at 3.5, 7.5, and 11.5 years from date of issue. aka 4, 8 , 12
== Updating So patent filed after june 8 1995 :add 4 years (1460 days) to issue date to start :add 4 years to issue date after 3.5yr fee :add 4 years to issue date after 7.5 year fee :add difference up to 20 years from filing (application) date after 11.5 year fee *Patent issued between june 7 1978 and june 8 1995 will have the Patent Term Calculcations ==term which max(file date + 20 years, issue date + 17 years) ::for those patents using 20 years + file (application) date, same as after june 8 1995 ::for those using 17 years + issue date:::add 4 years to issue date to start:::add 4 years to issue date after 3.5yr fee:::add 4 years to issue date after 7.5yr fee:::add 5 years to issue date after 11.5 yr fee*Use same method as above for patents issued before June 7 1978   *For patents filed after May 28,2000::if issue date more than 3 years after file date, then term of patent extended by number of days exceeding 3 years  Use the new fee data for this

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