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SELECT documentid, max(recorded_date) as recorded_date FROM ptoassigneev2 GROUP BY documentid;
DROP TABLE ptoassignee_patent;
CREATE TABLE ptoassignee_patent AS
SELECT M1.reelno, M1.frameno, M1.documentid,, M1.last_update_date, M1.recorded_date, M2.addrline1,
M2.addrline2,, M2.state,, M2.postcode
FROM ptotracking2 M1, ptoassigneend M2 WHERE (M1.reelno = M2.reelno) AND (M1.frameno = M2.frameno);
DROP TABLE ptoassignee_current;
CREATE TABLE ptoassignee_current AS
SELECT M1.reelno, M1.frameno, M2.documentid, M2.recorded_date FROM ptoassignee_patent M1, datecheck M2
WHERE (M1.documentid = M2.documentid)
AND (M1.recorded_date = M2.recorded_date);
A final version of the ptoassignee_current table was made using ptoassigneev2 given the larger pool of documentids included in the table by matching using documentid and recorded dates from datecheck.
DROP TABLE ptoassignee_current;
FROM ptoassigneev2 M1, datecheck M2
WHERE (M1.documentid = M2.documentid) AND (M1.recorded_date = M2.recorded_date);
ADD IN THE HISTPATENT STUFF FOR THE APPNUMThese codes should be used to recreate this table using Sonia's updated address information.
===Final Table (name TBD)===

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