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=== HTML Tree Structure Analysis ===
Structurally analyzing the HTML tree structure of a web page and expressing it in a DSL is the most innovative method of the three. It would require more than simply adapting off-the-shelf models. First, the DSL itself would need to be designed to optimize abstraction into the target domain, a web page. (See [[Domain Specific Language Research]].) Then, the DSL would need to be integrated into the machine learning pipeline by encoding the DSL into an appropriately formatted input, such as a vector or matrix, for a neural network. Three proposed methods for this encoding are using an adjacency matrix, an edges to vertices approachmatrix, or utilizing DFS (depth-first search) algorithms.
==== DFS Encoding ====
Currently, we are leaning towards utilizing DFS algorithms. DFS algorithms operate by starting at the root node (or an arbitrary node for a graph) and traverses the longest branch fully before backtracking back to the last split before the branch terminated. A DFS algorithm could traverse any given tree and record 1 when a new node is found, and 0 when that node is fully explored. This creates a numerical representation of that tree that can then be entered into a vector or matrix. A DFS algorithm has an efficiency of O(n).
==== Adjacency Matrix ==== By interpreting the tree as a graph, we can utilize an adjacency matrix to encode the tree. The elements of the matrix represent whether their corresponding vertices are adjacent in the graphical representation. In its simplest form, for a set of V number of vertices, the matrix would be a square matrix of dimensions |V| x |V|. The diagonal elements of such a matrix would all be zero. This approach has an algorithmic efficiency of O(n^2).  ==== Edges to Vertices Matrix ==== For any given tree, we have n-1 (I'm assuming n = number of nodes) edges. For every edge, we can record the two ending vertices. This will result in a matrix of dimensions (n-1) x 2. This matrix approach has an algorithmic efficiency of O(n).   ==== node2vec ====     ==== Supervised Learning Approach (HTML to DSL) ====
Additionally, the HTML tree structure analysis method will require a subprocess by which to parse a complex HTML page into our DSL. An example of a similar process is Pix2Code, in which a DSL context and a GUI are feed into an architecture containing Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers and a CNN-based vision model (see image below) which outputs a DSL token. After training with paired inputs is complete, this architecture can then take an empty context and a GUI input and output DSL code.


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