Industry Classifier

Revision as of 19:48, 28 February 2017 by Ed (talk | contribs)
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Final Product and Use


The final product (as of 2/27/17) is which is located in McNair/Projects/Accelerators/Industry_Classifier. It takes in an input file of the format Company tab Description and outputs a file called inputfile + Classified.txt. (So if you input Myfile.txt, your output file will be MyfileClassified.txt). This file will be located in the same folder as the code (McNair/Projects/Accelerators/Industry_Classifier).


1) Create a file of the format Company [tab] Description. The description must all be on one line.

2) Copy your file into the folder McNair/Projects/Accelerators/Industry_Classifier

3) Open the file in Komodo

4) On line 7 of the code, change the words inside the quotation marks to the name of your file. For example, if your file is called MyFile.txt, line 7 should read myfile = "MyFile.txt"

5) Press the play button and wait for "Done!" to print in the output window of Komodo.

6) Open McNair/Projects/Accelerators/Industry_Classifier and find the file called "(the name of your file)Classified.txt" (aka MyFileClassified.txt)

7) Open this file (IN TEXTPAD). It should be your output of the format Company [tab] Classification.

Possible Tools

Python Tools

SciKit Learn SVM

It's complexity is between O(n^2) and O(n^3). Seems easy to use. This is not a neural net; it is a support vector machine.

SciKit Learn Neural Net

This IS a neural net using back propagation.

It's complexity is listed as: Suppose there are n training samples, m features, k hidden layers, each containing h neurons - for simplicity, and o output neurons. The time complexity of backpropagation is O(n * m * h^k * o * i), where i is the number of iterations. Since backpropagation has a high time complexity, it is advisable to start with smaller number of hidden neurons and few hidden layers for training.


SK Neural Network Package

This is a separate package than listed above. It requires a separate installation. Documentation is provided at:

We ran into deprecation warnings, and the program would not execute due to a missing g++ drive.

R Tools

R seems to have a built in package called "neuralnet".

An example is given at:


Scripts and data for this project are located in:


Industry Classifier

This is a neural net built in python that trains on industry designation data from the SDC Platinum database. It serves as a predictive model to predict the industry allocation of given companies. The file is located in the directory listed above.

Builds a tab-delimited text file containing 200 companies with each Industry classification (i.e. 200 biotech, 200 media etc). Hopefully if we use this as our training data, we will get more accurate classifications.

Deals with the problem that by output files from SDC are poorly formatted when the description goes beyond 1 line. Outputs a tab-delimited text file where the whole description is on the same line and can be read.


This text file contains investment info, name, address, city, state of Portfolio companies.


This text file contains company, short description, major industry, minor industry of Portfolio companies.


Stastical methods for analyzing results from a neural network.

Precision and Recall

Quick Check using excel; Finding number of correct matches between two columns:


See an example here.

Comments and Thoughts


Christy: No matter what parameters I change in the NN, I can't get the accuracy to go up above around 30%. Looking at the descriptions that the classifier fails on, I realized that it pretty much guesses randomly a lot of the time when the descriptions are terrible like "We provide services to our customers." I think we need to be training and classifying based on the longer description, which is why I started working on the FixDescriptions.txt script.


Christy: The pickle library is vital and we should remember to use it when we use black boxish libraries like the sklearn classifier.