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In BuildBaseTables.sql:
* Fixed PortCoGeoid to use zipcodes too to determine placename (and * Created separate geoid)lookup table for place, statecode: PlaceStatecodeGeoid
* Pushed changes through PortCoMaster
* Added new vars to PortCoPeople and pushed them through.
* placename is not null
* hqdistkm is not null
In Ranking.sql
* Re-run with updated portcogeoid!
* Pick up Geoid from new PlaceStatecodeGeoid table (BuildBastTables.sql)
In BuildDataset.sql.
* Combodist, ComboIndu, and ComboMeasures tables (all based on ComboKeys_Code20) much as before but with new base sets
* ComboStats_Code20 added to provide market info.
* MasterCode20Year. Rerun with new feeders. New variables added. Also joins in PlaceYearRanking - need to fix this.
==== pccitydollarsrankm1 ====

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