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==Dataset Rebuild==
In E:\projects\vcdb20\BuildBaseTables.sql
*Changed MatchHighestRandom to MatchMaster. It is MatchMostNumerous (i.e., pick the firm with max(numportcos) for each portco from RLMaster) with a random tie break. It contains a lot of variables pertaining to the portco, firm, round, and match!
*MatchKeys is coname, statecode, datefirstinv, firmname, as well as minroundin, year, code, code20, code100. It replaces RealMatchesCode.
Code is in E:\projects\unobservedcomplementarities\BuildDataset.sql
Replaced SynRealSetc20 with SynthKeys_Code20.
Replaced AllRealMatchKeysC20Code with ComboKeys_Code20, also renamed realmatch variable to isreal.
Anticipating a dataset rebuild, the old production dataset was '''MasterRealC20YearFullPlus.txt''', which was produced using:
MasterRealC20YearFull requires:
*AllRealMatchKeysC20Code <-RealMatchescode, AllRealMatchKeysC20; AllRealMatchKeysC20<-AllRealMatchKeysC20SynRealSetc20,RealMatchescode ; SynRealSetc20 <-RealMatchescode; RealMatchesCode <-MatchHighestRandom, PortCoIindustry (RevisedDbaseCode.sql)
*PortCoSuper <- likely new PortCoMaster
*DealSuper: Would need to be rebuilt
*FirmSuper <- likely new FirmVars and FirmGrowthPerf
*AllMatchc20Dist <-AllMatchc20DistBase (RevisedDbaseCode.sql); AllMatchc20DistBase <- AllMatchKeysC20, portcogeo, firmbogeo; AllMatchKeysC20 <-RealMatchesCode, SynSetc20.*AllMatchc20InduHistWZero <- AllMatchKeysC20Code, AllMatchc20InduHist ... RoundLineMasterBase (RevisedDbaseCode.sql)*AllMatchc20InduTotal <- AllMatchKeysC20Code, RoundLineMasterBase (RevisedDbaseCode.sql)
*rankingfull <- likely new placeyearranking

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