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1,292 bytes added ,  19:40, 13 November 2020
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This page details the build of our [[DIGITS DevBox]]. There's also a page giving information on [[Using the DevBox]]. nVIDIA, famous for their incredibly poor supply-chain and inventory management, have been saying [ "Please note that we are sold out of our inventory of the DIGITS DevBox, and no new systems are being built"] since shortly after the [ Titax X] was the latest and greatest thing (i.e., somewhere around 2016). But it's pretty straight forward to update [ their spec].
And change into the sample directory and run the tests:
cd /usr/local/cuda-10.10/samples/bin/x86_64/linux/release ./deviceQuery ./bandwidthTest
Everything should be good at this point!
There is clearly an issue with Ubuntu 18.04 and XRDP. The solution seems to be to downgrade xserver-xorg-core and some related packages, which can be done with an install script ( or manually. But I don't want to do that, so I removed xrdp and went back to VNC!
apt remove xrdp
===Other Software===
I installed the community edition of PyCharm:
snap install pycharm-community --classic
#Restart the local terminal so that it has updated paths (after a snap install, etc.)
On launch, you get some config options. I chose to install and enable:
*IdeaVim (a VI editor emulator)
*AWS Toolkit
Make a launcher: In /usr/share/applications:
vi pycharm.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec="/snap/pycharm-community/214/bin/" %f
Comment=The Drive to Develop
Also, create a launcher on the desktop with the same info.

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