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1,972 bytes added ,  19:40, 13 November 2020
no edit summary
This page details the build of our [[DIGITS DevBox]]. There's also a page giving information on [[Using the DevBox]]. nVIDIA, famous for their incredibly poor supply-chain and inventory management, have been saying [ "Please note that we are sold out of our inventory of the DIGITS DevBox, and no new systems are being built"] since shortly after the [ Titax X] was the latest and greatest thing (i.e., somewhere around 2016). But it's pretty straight forward to update [ their spec].
And change into the sample directory and run the tests:
cd /usr/local/cuda-10.10/samples/bin/x86_64/linux/release ./deviceQuery ./bandwidthTest
Everything should be good at this point!
====Connection Issues==== Coming back to this, I had issues connecting. I set up the tunnel using the saved profile in puTTY.exe and checked to see which local port was listening (it was 5901) and not firewalled using the listening ports tab under network on resmon.exe(it said allowed, not restricted under firewall status). VNC seemed to be running fine on Bastard, and I tried connecting to localhost::1 (that is 5901 (and so on the localhost, through the tunnelto 5902 on Bastard) using VNC Connect by RealVNC. EventuallyThe connection was refused. I checked it was listening and there was no firewall: netstat -tlpn tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2025/Xtightvnc ufw status Status: inactive The localhost port seems to be open and listening just fine: Test-NetConnection -p 5901 So, presumably, there must be something wrong with the connection timed outtunnel itself. '''Ignoring the SSH tunnel worked fine: Connect to using the TightVNC (or RealVNC, etc.) client.'''
vi /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
allowed_users = anybody
This was promising as it was previously set to consol.
apt-get install xorgxrdp-hwe-18.04
There is clearly an issue with Ubuntu 18.04 and XRDP. The solution seems to be to downgrade xserver-xorg-core and some related packages, which can be done with an install script ( or manually. But I don't want to do that, so I removed xrdp and went back to VNC!
apt remove xrdp
===Other Software===
I installed the community edition of PyCharm:
snap install pycharm-community --classic
#Restart the local terminal so that it has updated paths (after a snap install, etc.)
On launch, you get some config options. I chose to install and enable:
*IdeaVim (a VI editor emulator)
*AWS Toolkit
Make a launcher: In /usr/share/applications:
vi pycharm.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec="/snap/pycharm-community/214/bin/" %f
Comment=The Drive to Develop
Also, create a launcher on the desktop with the same info.

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