Citation Table

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Table Variables

Table "public.citation"
Column |  Type  | Modifiers 
patent | bigint | 
cited  | bigint |

Patent refers to a patent number. Cited refers to a patent number cited by the patent in question. When a patent is issued, the patent can include citations or references to patents in a related field or that may be considered prior art. The table has a composite key that consists of a unique combination of patent number and cited patent number.

patent  |  cited  
9226898 | 4935450
9226898 | 5069936
9226898 | 6262019
9226898 | 6264988
9226898 | 6916795
9226898 |        
9226898 |        
9226898 |        
9226898 |        
9226898 |        
9226898 |        
9226899 | 7858080
9226899 |        
9226899 |        
9226899 |