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*This page is included under the section [[BPP Field Exam]]
*This page is provides questions to the [[BPP Field Exam 2009 Answers]]
The 2009 field exam was on June 27th 2009. Reference material was permitted, communication was not. It was stated that grading would be based on the assigned times for each question.
'''Part I'''. For the following 2 cases, (1) outline how you would set up a model to study the institution, (2) discuss what you think may be the main interesting propositions, and (3) explain your logic for how they would be derived. (Note: you do not need formal proofs of your propositions, but you do need to sketch them and/or explain why you believe they will hold if formally derived).
a.) One puzzle in the literature is: If a veto is costly to both the President and Congress, why is the veto ever observed in practice? Whay Why can't a bargain be struck which avoids the "suboptimal losses" from the actual exercise of a veto? Outline a model in which vetoes are observed in equilibrium. Discuss what you believe are the primary propositions which will be derivable from this model.
b.) Another question about presidential power is: How do the existence of a veto player affect multi-lateral bargaining (in a legislature)? Outline a model of bargaining in legislatures with a Presidential veto. How will the inclusion of a Presidential veto affect you predictions under different institutional settings? In other words, compare how your results compare across different institutional settings (e.g. open versus closed rules, finite versus infinite horizon).
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